Uliya Edihanova

City: Shadrinsk
41 Publications in RSCI
2 H-index
4 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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This article deals with the concepts and types of fear, and also presents the results of the study, taking into account the age and gender characteristics of fears in children of older preschool age.
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This article deals with the concept of fears, their types and influence on personal development. The authors also study the main trends of art-therapy, artistic creativity features, some advantages of art-therapy use for fears correction in pre-school children.
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This paper presents the results of testing of psycho-pedagogical correction uncertainty preschool children in order to develop positive attitudes towards peers. The regularities psychocorrectional process: uneven, synchronicity, senzitivnost, by stages. Mechanisms correction uncertainty age children are: feedback, inter-personal influence, learning, confrontation projection. The factors that hinder the proper performance of tasks, as well as conditions of effective psycho activity.