Keyword: «art education»

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The article considers problem of the development of modern means of artistic personality formation. By retrospective and comparative analysis of the development of art education in the Left-Bank Ukraine Collegium XVIІІ – beg. The nineteenth century. reveals the impact of arts education on the level of culture and comprehensive development of the school and studens past and present, that is the key objective of modernization of contemporary art education.
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The paper deals with experimental work of innovation platforms of Technology and Design Department in Vyatka State University.
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The paper focuses on the interaction between the art studio “Etude” and educational organizations and insti-tutions of culture and art, on participation of children in different kinds of competitions and exhibitions.
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In this article we are talking about the need to save in the artistic education of national traditions, which is related to the cultural space of our state. The article deals with the formation and development of academic drawing system of teaching in higher education, from its inception to the present, marked its features in different historical periods. It proposed a series of measures that will stabilize the situation in the field of arts education and create conditions for its preservation and development.
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Modern technogenic society, characterized by constant movement and variability, requires the formation and dominance of a special type of culture – project, allowing people to keep up with the times, to respond quickly to changes. The article discusses the problem of project culture formation in students – future bachelors of professional training in the field of Arts, Crafts and Design in the context of art education in the university. To solve this problem, the author analyzes the concept of "project culture", defines its constituent elements: cognition, perception of the world, skill, behavior and psychological readiness. With this in mind, the purpose of the article is to offer a methodology for the formation of students ' project culture in the context of art education and to prove its effectiveness. The article determines directions of the work on forming the students’ project culture: subject, meta-subject and situational. The author notes the basic forms of educational activities organization aimed at forming the project culture of students, such as educational activities of the academic type, quasi-project activity, educational and project activities and shows that in the context of students’ project culture forming, it is pragmatic to use the project-transformation type of educational activity, not excluding previous two types, as they are the basis for the implementation of subsequent types of activities. It is also noted that the professional high-level skills of students, the interrelationship of technical design and aesthetic solutions make it possible to obtain the result of project activities with significant artistic and practical properties that constitute a productive level of the project culture formation among future instructors of vocational training of "Arts, Crafts and Design" majors. The article outlines the stages – the conditions for the formation of a project culture among students in the context of art education in the university. The first stage – emotional-cognitive – consists of the systemic knowledge of the Arts and Crafts; knowledge in the field of design; positive emotional perception of project activities. The second stage – the activity-practical, includes the skills of design work in the field of Arts and Crafts; skills of manufacturing Arts and Crafts products. The third stage – motivational and value-based - is represented by interest and motivation for the project activity. The experimental verification of the formulated conditions was carried out on the basis of the Engineering and Technology Faculty of the Elabuga Institute of the Kazan Federal University. In the course of the experimental work, there were obtained reliable differences in the level of project culture formation among students of the experimental groups in comparison with the students of the control groups. The theoretical significance of the study is due to the fact that it contemplates the structure of the project culture, work directions and stages of its formation in students. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results will improve the quality of training for the future bachelors in the field of arts, crafts and design.