Keyword: «design»

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The presented analysis of the design, as actual professional activity. Re¬view of the studies is given in the field of psychologies of the thinking, strategic thinking. Motivated need of designing vocational training in the field of design with standpoint of the development of the design thinking future designer. The cho-senned particularities of the manifestation of the strategic thinking beside designer in accordance with re-quirements of the state standard to master of the design
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In our modern time research work is relevant and valuable as never. The research of the world helps the child to take a fresh look at nature. The understanding of the relationship between a man and nature creates ecological thinking of children in the right direction. The child feels the nature with the soul – he is a small environmental researcher interested in everything, delighted with beauty and distressed with injustice. The purpose of a teacher is to make cognitive activities of the children more interesting and practical. Helping to create the environmental projects for children, a teacher carries out his educational project – form the environmentally directed thinking of primary school children.
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The author discusses the design possibilities of mobile leducational environment in higher educational institutions, proposes the hypothetical model of the mobile educational environment.
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Introduction of information technology increases the efficiency of solving professional problems and to increase the role of information training. The article describes a system of information training in the conditions of application configurations "1C: Enterprise" based on the classification of staff according to their level of training and quality requirements, including the availability of appropriate certificates of 1C.
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Growing attention to modern design trends, pursuit of a decent comfortable conditions at workplace and at home, interest in new finishing materials and technologies must be timely reflected in the preparation of trainees by profession "Master of finishing building work”. In particular, the formation of design concepts at the discipline "Bases of design in decoration", included in the variable part of the primary professional edu-cation programs, as well as the use of research methods of scientific and technical creativity, among which is cost-benefit analysis. All mentioned above is aimed to improve general and professional competence and mobility of graduates.