Keyword: «background knowledge»

Article is devoted to features of formation of historical representations at foreign pupils during studying of history of Russia. In work experience of teaching an introduction course of story with use of the manual "Russia is generalized. History. Events. Facts". The purposes and problems of teaching a course of History of Russia in foreign audience are specified. The problems connected with specifics of the trained contingent are reflected, methods of their solution in educational and out-of-class activity are proposed.
The article is devoted to the problem of translating regional culture-bound items, which primarily relate to untranslatable words, and, therefore, there are difficulties in choosing a suitable equivalent, which can be overcome, only if the translator has rich background knowledge and knowledge of various translation methods, such as explication and descriptive way.
The article is devoted to the synthesis of experience of work on formation of background knowledge about Russia in classes in Russian language as a foreign language in the study of history. The work summarizes the experience of teaching the introductory course of history using the tutorial "Russia. History. Events. Facts". The goals and objectives of teaching the course of History of Russia in a foreign audience are specified. Problems related to the specifics of the trained contingent are reflected, methods of solving them in educational and non-educational activities are proposed.
The article discusses the importance of using linguistic and regional material when teaching Russian as a foreign language. Texts of this nature will help students to form a positive attitude towards learning the language and culture of the native speaker of this language, increase the efficiency of the educational process and the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
The article deals with the functioning of occasional derivatives in the poems of poets E. A. Yevtushenko and A. A. Voznesensky, the word-formation base for which are precedent names. The analysis of occasional lexemes is based on the comparison of form, content and surrounding context. The conclusion is made about actual precedents for each author and functional features of derivatives.