Keyword: «cognition»

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The author analyzes the issues of interaction of mathematics and natural sciences in the beginning of the last century and finds out the epistemological value of philosophy for the solution of fundamental problems of physics.
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The article presents the author's model and testing of implement-ing her psycho-pedagogical formation programs diligence in children of preschool age; disclosed forms and methods of development posnova activities, practicality and emotional-volitional sphere; results shown you.
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The article views the problem of the causal aspect in the cognitive theory, represented in the philosophy of D. Hume. The chapter of the D. Hume's "Enquiry concerning human understanding" that deals with the causality has been analyzed. The scientist's skepticism concerning the inductive principle related to causality has been revealed. An attempt to interpret Hume's theory of knowledge regarding the methodological aspect in teaching foreign languages has been made. The article also shows the opinion of the mentioned philosopher concerning the mystical phenomenon regarding the problem of causality in the cognitive theory.
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The author describes the problem of language as information technology. The roles of nonverbal and verbal language in the context of cognitive and communicative processes are shown. The key features of language as information technology are given.
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The article considers the views of the well-known Russian scientist K. A. Timiryazev on creative process of scientific cognition, definition of the role and importance of theoretical and applied science in society. Acting as a staunch supporter of the evolutionary approach, the scientist applies it to the human creative activity process explanation. Timiryazev defends the priority of pure science over applied fields. Not denying the huge role of applied fields, he noted that they should not and cannot be the goal of science. At the same time, scientific thought can exist only on condition of complete freedom. Popularization of science is of great importance, which makes it possible to achieve recognition and support of scientific research in society.