Keyword: «creative task»

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An important problem in learning literature at school today is the issue of studying a work of art, since it is necessary to take into account the originality of the kind and genre. In this regard, a close attention in educational process is paid to the formation of an idea of autobiographical works among schoolchildren. The article is devoted to the methodology of studying the short novel of V. P. Astafyev in the modern school in the context of the writer's autobiographical prose. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to solve a specific practical problem: to teach students to analyze information, find information in different sources, compare it, draw conclusions; insufficient studying of this topic in the theory and practice of conducting literature lessons in the 8th grade; insufficient knowledge (in the 8th grade) of such an aspect as “V.P. Astafyev’s autobiographism”. This author attracts the attention of a modern teacher with his autobiographical approach. Moreover, Russian schoolchildren do not know much about him, which adds to the relevance of this research. Thus, the purpose of the article is to give a brief historiographic overview of autobiographical prose; to investigate the methodological system devoted to the issue of studying V.P. Astafyev’s works in modern programs, textbooks and teaching materials; to offer a modern model for studying the short novel of V.P. Astafyev; to find ways of effective studying of the novelet. Such methods as questionnaires, ascertaining experiment results analysis, content analysis, the writer's autobiography use, and creative work were used in the course of the research. As a result of the conducted research, we reviewed V.P. Astafyev’s autobiographical prose on the example of the short novel “The photo I’m not in” at literature classes in the 8th grade. It is proposed to begin with a fragmentary acquaintance with the writer's autobiography, then analyze the work and the final stage will be the fulfillment of a creative task in fanfiction style, which will allow the students to learn the work better, taking into account the autobiographical aspect. The article may be interesting to language teachers.
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The article discusses the problems of the development of the students’ creative approach to the new words creation and it is very relevant. The relevance is due to the growing interest of employers in the specialists working in the digital environment in journalism, advertising and public relations. They should not only have a good command of basic language knowledge, but also be able to be original in creating a headline, slogan or text. When using language units, particularly vocabulary, in unusual contexts, adding new shades of meaning to semantics, creating neologisms, students should be able to create original works filled with meaning, expressiveness and emotionality. The need to develop the language creativity is due to the communicative goals of the learning process since one of the main educational strategies is to draw attention to the limitless possibilities of the native language which can be useful in writing unique texts. The purpose of this study was to design the tasks introduced into the educational process and aimed at the development and formation of students’ linguo-creative abilities when working with new words. The analysis of the neologisms classifications made it possible to identify areas where the teacher needs to dwell in the process of studying neologisms by students. As a result, it was concluded that the proposed tasks contributed to the development of language creativity among students and intensified the linguo-creative approach to the neologisms creation. The practical significance of the study is proved by the fact that the data obtained after the experiment would give teachers material for thought i.e. which tasks need to be improved, which exercises should be included in order to let the students use other methods of forming neologisms more actively in the future.