Natalia V. Kushnareva

City: Omsk, Russian Federation
Work: Omsk State Transport University
Post: Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian and Foreign Languages
0 Publications in RSCI
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1 PAPAI index
1 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the research is caused by the close attention of students to the resources of the neural network for creating texts. It is extremely problematic for a teacher to give tasks related to creative work on writing texts within the framework of linguistic courses, since nowadays the neural network begins to replace a person in this type of activity. Therefore, there is a need to use the generated text in the educational process so that it would help, not harm, and contribute to the development of text analysis skills and the writing of original products. The purpose of the article is to propose a system of exercises that allow productive use of generated texts in the framework of linguistic courses. In conditions when a teacher cannot control students' access to programs that create text, there is a need to turn to the productive use of neural network capabilities in the educational process. As the literature review has shown, methodologists and scientists evaluate this potential differently. On the one hand, the use of a neural network causes negative feedback related to violations of ethical norms, copyright and a decrease in students' motivation to write their own texts. On the other hand, we cannot stop progress and it is no longer possible to prohibit students from accessing text generators, which means that teachers should, keeping up with the times, use new educational resources. The article presents the results of the conducted pedagogical experiment aimed at identifying the linguodidactic potential of those monological text products that the neural network creates. The authors collected 96 such texts, analyzed their linguistic side, genre and stylistic diversity, and content. A thorough analysis allowed us to propose five types of exercises that make it possible to productively organize work with texts created by artificial intelligence: 1) exercises aimed at analyzing the correspondence of texts to the chosen topic and the level of its revealing; 2) exercises related to the formulation of personal position and its argumentation; 3) exercises aimed at correcting language and speech errors in generated texts; 4) analysis of the genre correspondence of texts to the topic formulated in the request; 5) creative exercises aimed at writing one's own original texts. The authors came to the conclusion that text generators can be useful in the educational process, provided that they are used in a timely and methodically competent manner. This is what determines the practical significance of the work.
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The article discusses the problems of the development of the students’ creative approach to the new words creation and it is very relevant. The relevance is due to the growing interest of employers in the specialists working in the digital environment in journalism, advertising and public relations. They should not only have a good command of basic language knowledge, but also be able to be original in creating a headline, slogan or text. When using language units, particularly vocabulary, in unusual contexts, adding new shades of meaning to semantics, creating neologisms, students should be able to create original works filled with meaning, expressiveness and emotionality. The need to develop the language creativity is due to the communicative goals of the learning process since one of the main educational strategies is to draw attention to the limitless possibilities of the native language which can be useful in writing unique texts. The purpose of this study was to design the tasks introduced into the educational process and aimed at the development and formation of students’ linguo-creative abilities when working with new words. The analysis of the neologisms classifications made it possible to identify areas where the teacher needs to dwell in the process of studying neologisms by students. As a result, it was concluded that the proposed tasks contributed to the development of language creativity among students and intensified the linguo-creative approach to the neologisms creation. The practical significance of the study is proved by the fact that the data obtained after the experiment would give teachers material for thought i.e. which tasks need to be improved, which exercises should be included in order to let the students use other methods of forming neologisms more actively in the future.