Keyword: «database»

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The article is devoted to the element called “Database” in the Moodle system, its settings and its usage in teaching. The author describes the example of applying this element in creation of the electronic version of the “Dictionary of Smolensk dialects” for teaching students of philological specialties.
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The paper is devoted to the use of information technologies in teaching linguistic and basics of lexicography for students of philological specialties. The author describes some examples of applying soft-ware and internet-services for creation of dictionaries for studying purposes.
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The paper describes the role of partnerships in the work of small businesses. Emphasis is placed on main-taining a customer base and building customer loyalty programs to increase market sustainability of the business.
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CRM it is the most modern technology, combined with strategic planning, marketing methods, organizational and technical means. "Customer Relationship Management" is a business ideology designed to improve the profitability of the company's operations by optimizing work with consumers. In other words, it is a technology that allows increasing the profit of an enterprise at controlled costs. Instead of CRM, the notion of "customer loyalty management" is also used. It is in controlled loyalty that the meaning of CRM lies.
The article discusses the features of the development of software applications for accounting for deposits in a bank. The model of the system is presented, its functionality and principles of interaction of software modules are revealed. The authors presented an analysis of the application "System of bank deposits". Its main classes, methods of their design and algorithms for processing user requests are described.