Keyword: «interests»

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The article describes the peculiarity of the formation and development of self-regulation among high school students, analyzed the factors influencing the process of professional and personal self-determination, are marked features of a differentiated attitude towards learning and the formation of electoral interests.
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The author analyses the sources to information on health and healthy lifestyle, which the teenagers use. The empirical base of the paper is the results of the monitoring of healthy lifestyle values. The author analyses the changes in structure of the sources about healthy lifestyle.
Tested a model of productive educational vzaiaodeystviya for the purpose of internal and external prirascheniy.Rassmotrena possibility of introducing engineering marketing in the study of technical devices and systems.
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The paper presents the results of a sociological study carried out in the framework of the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation № 15-18-00038 «Extremism and ethnic-social conflicts in the multiethnic region: forecasting and prevention». The paper deals with the basic concepts and forms of extremism and its prevention, preferences of young people in the field of information consumption. The sociological study was conducted by a standardized interview performed on a sample N = 2658.