Keyword: «national projects»

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Development of educational systems always was one of the directions of strategy of the Russian Federation. The educational system can be defined through the educational environment and a human resource. On the one hand, the contingent of teachers, students and other personnel (a human resource) is a major factor of efficiency of an educational system. At the same time it is even possible to predict statistically as far as the efficiency of education at improvement of quality of human resources will increase. On the other hand, with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 the national purposes and strategic problems of breakthrough scientific and technical and social and economic development of the Russian Federation until 2024 are defined. Achievement of results demands effective interaction of all human resources by means of implementation of national projects and programs. In such foreshortening consideration of technologies of formation of project teams in educational systems acquires special relevance. Respectively, the purpose of article is the description of technology of formation of project teams in educational systems. As the leading approach at the same time system and activity approach acts. Approach provides the organization of complete process of management of educational systems in which all types of activity of human resources (educational, educational and professional, research, nonlearning, sociocultural and others) are coordinated on achievement of the put results. As a result of the conducted research authors of article distinguish technology of formation of project teams in educational systems including steps of organizational management, entrances and exits of management processes, methods and instruments of work with project team. The theoretical importance of article is caused by a contribution to development of scientific ideas of management human resources in educational systems. Practical use of results of a research allows to build effective work on formations of project teams in educational systems.
The article examines the use of digital technologies in the Moscow management system and the emergence of cities of a new technological format – smart cities (SMART-City). The process under study leads not only to the transformation and renewal of the infrastructure of cities, but also to qualitatively new conditions, as well as to new requirements and safety of citizens' residence.
State science and technology policy is an important component of sustainable spatial development of the country. The distribution of productive forces, in particular scientific potential, has changed a lot in the post-Soviet era and continues to transform. It is necessary to monitor the situation, as well as to take into account regional and municipal priorities while maintaining a balance between vertical and horizontal management models. And the implementation of the national project "Science and Universities" will contribute to strengthening the scientific and technological potential of the territories, primarily through the creation of an effective system of higher education.
The results of the analysis of the experience of using project management by the Government of Moscow, including those under the leadership of Yu.M. Luzhkov, who was one of the first leaders to comprehensively implement both the target-oriented and project-based approaches on the territory of Moscow. It was the innovations in the management of the socio-economic development of the metropolis that made it possible to bring it out of the systemic crisis after the collapse of the USSR. And today, the city administration actually unites the implementation of state programs and participation in National projects at the regional level. The costs of implementing regional projects in Moscow are not stand-alone costs, and activities for nine national projects are built into the structure of government programs.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 474 "On National Development Goals until 2030" (July 21, 2020), Russia has developed a unified plan to achieve them for the period up to 2024 and for the planning period up to 2030. National projects have been identified as the most important tool. The economic growth in the country and the social situation depend on the effective implementation of national projects. In 2021, a number of clarifications and innovations were adopted, which is considered in this paper.