Keyword: «parents of students»

The article presents problems and ways to solve them in the interaction of primary school teachers and parents of students, the main attention is drawn to the fact that the adaptation of first-graders to the school depends on the effectiveness of this interaction, on the use of specific forms of work with parents, describes the need and the possibility of organizing interaction with fathers Students.
The article presents the reasons for the emergence of conflict situations between teachers and parents of first-graders, who were identified in a joint discussion at the "Round Table" of the interaction between the subjects of the educational process of the MBOU School No. 20 in Krasnodar. The main attention is drawn to the fact that in order to create a conflict-free atmosphere in the classroom, it is necessary to choose the strategy of interaction between the family and the school - cooperation.
The article presents the problem of interaction between the school and the family in providing computer safety of first-graders and ways to solve it. The main attention is drawn to the safety of children during the application of information technology, the effectiveness of this interaction, the use of specific forms of work with students and parents to ensure the computer safety of first-graders.