Keyword: «patriotic education»

The paper describes the interrelation of patriotism, religion and consumer culture. The conclusion about the importance of preserving traditional national values in the conditions of digitalization of the economy and democratization of public life is made. Differences in consumer behavior of representatives of the generation Y and Z were revealed based on a sociological survey of young people.
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The article presents experimental work - a set of methodological measures aimed at the formation of communicative competence of students. The authors reveal the tasks, forms and activities of the lessons and extracurricular activities in the English language. Particular attention is drawn to the socio-cultural and linguistic and cultural components. A variety of activities which differ from the lesson make communicative competence attractive and useful extra-curriculum lessons.
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The article describes the results of studying the patriotic consciousness and patriotic behavior of the eighth graders of Kirov school. The obtained data indicate the predominance of spontaneously formed emotional and sensual patriotism of senior teenagers. This indicates an irrationally organized process of patriotic education, as well as the lack of interaction between school and family in this issue. The regularly diagnostics of the value orientations of students of different age groups, as well as corrective measures of patriotic orientation were proposed.
The article provides a comparative analysis of the knowledge of students of various universities about the Great Patriotic War.
In article legal grounds in the organization of patriotic education in our country and also its current state and views of patriotism, as on difficult, complex and unique characteristic of the personality are considered.