Keyword: «qualification»

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This article analyzes the conditions of implementation of the competency approach in assessing personnel. Carried out an analysis of competency approaches in professional activities, are experiences of foreign experts working in the field of labor. The paper proposes to make the comparison made a staff member at runtime execution of the reference of the same work, and competence will be the best option for the standard measurement in Russian education.
The article deals with the theoretical basis of the definition of "personnel training" and "human resources". Competitive benefits of employee training in Russia and abroad are disclosed, levels of personnel training are proposed.
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Article is devoted to a research of personnel capacity of rural schools on the example of the Crimean region of Krasnodar Krai. In work it is necessary the beginnings of the analysis of motivators of teachers of rural schools. These researches can serve as primary material for further deeper analysis of motivators and as a result of overall performance of teachers. Work has the statistical property displaying a quantitative ratio of teachers and their qualification.
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The article analyzes the draft law providing for the administrative prejudice for hatred or enmity incitement (article 282 of the Russian criminal code). Based on the results of a comprehensive historical and legal study, the author formulates recommendations that can improve the effectiveness of fighting against extremism in Russia.
The article deals with the problem of ageism, which is quite relevant for our time, i.e. age discrimination. Measures are indicated to support the population, which at a certain age is faced with this problem. Special attention is paid to the events that are organized by state bodies and organizations.