Lyubov Holopova
ART 14612
The authors describe types of information technologies, considering the stages of development in the world and Russia; show their increasing role in all spheres of life.
ART 14611
The authors deal with the organizational culture of the company. The authors attempt to determine the level of organizational culture, develop recommendations for its improvement.
ART 14610
Currently, the younger generation has a huge number of problems, especially social and economic ones, such as illiteracy, poor health, drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, priority of trade and services, but not active work. The authors analyze the demographic situation of the Kemerovo Region and how its changes.
ART 14609
The authors examine the features of the labor market in Russia, causes, which lead to an increase of unclaimed young people on the labor market, as well as the possibility of successful job search in accordance with the obtained profession.
ART 14608
The author views the question of importance of spiritual and moral education. In modern conditions, against calls of information society, there is no full-fledged environment for this purpose. Moreover, there is «an identity crisis», caused by society stratification. According to the author, the educational and social environment has to bring up the personality, many capable for continuous self-creation and self-design. It can be possible in the conditions of creative, spiritual and moral environment. Such personality will be able to resist to a stream of destruction by various forms of intellectual nihilism and social cynicism, capable to intelligent social action.