Natalia L. Bolshakova

City: Ufa, Russian Federation
Work: Ufa University of Science and Technology
Post: Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Service
0 Publications in RSCI
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5 PAPAI index
4 Publications in the journal


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The ability to use physical force, cruelty, violence is often a determining factor in the relationship between husbands and wives, parents and children. The Russian Federation does not have a law and a preventive program directly related to domestic violence. However, there are organizational structures, socio-psychological methods and technologies that have been developed to protect the interests of victims of domestic violence. The socio-psychological services are engaged in improving the level of knowledge and qualifications of specialists, special training for intervention in cases of family violence, providing legal, professional and rehabilitation assistance to victims of violence. According to the results of special studies, a significant number of women who have been subjected to violence refuse to confirm this fact, but they are interested in this problem and consider it a negative social phenomenon in modern society. The problem of domestic violence can be solved by a wide-ranging impact on it, detecting an emerging conflict in time and effectively eliminating its consequences. Effective protection will be facilitated by a combination of information, educational, legal and preventive measures.
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Domestic abuse of women is a widespread global social problem of the modern world, leading to certain socio-economic consequences in society. Women all over the world are subjected to physical, social, psychological, sexual, economic and many other types of violence on a daily basis. Victims of spousal violence need social and psychological support, preventive and rehabilitative measures. The Scandinavian states are implementing an effective model of social policy based on social justice, equalization of citizens' incomes, smoothing of property and gender inequality, and the creation of a welfare state. The purpose of the scientific article is to study the state of the social policy of the Scandinavian countries in relation to spousal violence against women. The social experience of the Nordic countries in providing assistance to women victims of domestic violence is real and effective. The family policy of these countries is aimed at creating a safe environment for creating a family and raising children. It will not be possible to completely get rid of domestic violence, but in order to minimize it, it is necessary to develop and put into practice social work technologies for the prevention of family violence. It is possible to find the most effective method of combating this problem by changing the mentality of the population in relation to domestic violence.
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One of the global problems at present is suicide as a manifestation of deviant behavior in society. According to the World Health Organization, suicidal events among people aged 15–29 have doubled over the past 15 years, and they occupy leading positions in developed countries. Suicide takes the 4th place among adolescent mortality in the world after injuries, infectious and oncological diseases. Russia takes one of the leading positions on completed suicides among young people. There is an urgent need for the prevention of suicidal behavior among young people in our country. The optimal system of suicide prevention, intervention and postvention in practice unites the systems of education, health care, social protection, internal affairs, religious institutions, the efforts of non-governmental organizations, and also ensures a good connection between them. The main directions of prevention should be the early diagnosis of suicidal risk groups, the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction among the population, the establishment of a full complement of suicide prevention services in each region of the country.
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Solving the problems of social development in Russian regions requires a serious analysis of the social sphere condition, established trends and measures of social policy, and an assessment of social infrastructure facilities functioning. The consideration of the following main Russian trends and factors of socio-economic development is very important for working out long-term strategies of regional systems social development. Social development of territories will be provided on the basis of a targeted impact on the conditions and factors determining the socialization of economic development, through the redistribution of resources and the development of the social sphere. Stable development is associated with the satisfaction of the population socio-economic needs, when technological development is accompanied by social well-being and increasing welfare of the population.
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The dramatically changed world social environment, the processes of escalation of social relations dictate the need for their understanding, analysis and synthesis. It is important to develop a scientifically based concept of social development, to produce social technologies that are available for understanding and implementation of ways to organize and provide social protection for the population. According to international experience, the government’s social policy in many countries is based on a systematic analysis of social protection of the population, which ultimately determines the trajectory of social development. It is also necessary to take into account the main global trends and trajectories of social development of territories.