Keyword: «independence»

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The article deals with the problem of methodical management, the most important component of the modern teacher`s professional readiness to provide personal development in the teaching process
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The article presents the author's approach to the implementation of tiered teaching Russian language lessons in primary schools, including the methodological bases of formation of decision-making skills in ele-mentary school students.
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The paper discusses mistakes of so-called Leningrad “anti-party group”, expressed in excessive political activity and independence of its individual representatives and included in dissonance with rigid principles of the Stalinist system of government.
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The article reveals peculiarities of perception of younger schoolboys of local history material. We offer game forms for the formation and strengthening of interest in the small country, building on the practice of the implementation of more comprehensive program "Local history workshop" the author proposes to create themed crafts from various scrap materials, respectively, subject lessons.
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The article presents and structures the means for the formation of the didactic environment at the lessons at primary school based on the analysis of psychological and educational literature. Theoretical and practical results of the research on revealing and increasing the level of independence of junior schoolchildren based on creating didactic environment, which includes didactic, intellectual and developing games. The empirical basis of the article is a natural pedagogical experiment on the formation of independence of junior schoolchildren, testing of schoolchildren based on diagnostic techniques.