Keyword: «стереотипы»

The article describes some methods of teaching intercultural communication through assignments for students in the process of forming intercultural competence in the context of cultural dialogue and studying foreign languages.
The article examines cultural differences in the perception and interpretation of significant trends and performers of popular music in the USSR, post-Soviet Russia and the USA, as well as similarities and differences due to the cultural context and social norms. From teaching experience and participation in Russian-American exchange programs.
The article considers two parts of collective representations, one of which corresponds to traditionalism, the other to modernism. It is indicated that the ratio of these parts may be equivalent, in the period of global changes – asymmetric. The constantly updated situation of being generates a new variant of stereotypes – neotypes, which are closer to the construction of new formats of cultural samples. All this is reflected and reproduced in the educational environment, where the autostereotypes of the teachers themselves change, new interpretations of the «good» and «bad» student arise, the authority of the teaching profession decreases, etc.