Keyword: «borrowing»

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The article is devoted to revealing the level of contemporary English borrowings knowledge by Russian speakers and describing the peculiarities of their attitude to anglicisms and the usage of these words. The authors conducted questioning of 207 Lipetsk residents that made it possible to reveal the most popular anglicisms and to find out the peculiarities of different groups attitude towards them.
The article deals with the development of the German language and the influence of other cultures on its evolution in different eras. Attention is paid to the problem of the struggle for the purity of the German language.
This article is devoted to the research of the formation and functioning processes of the "fashionable" vocabulary of the educational field in the Russian language of the 21st century. The study presents a thematic classification of lexical and phraseological units, which are characterized by widespread use in the contemporary Russian language and Russian speech. Special attention is given to the description of "fashionable" verbal signs, which are the latest borrowings from the American English.
The article is devoted to the problem of language changes, namely, changes at the level of vocabulary in the modern Russian language. The most striking processes in the field of vocabulary, such as semantic transformations, the formation of new phraseology, metaphorization of the language and the process of foreign language borrowing, are presented in the article. The description of the processes is accompanied by examples from periodicals.
This article examines the lexical units of the thematic group «Religion», borrowed in English from the Latin language; reveals the role of the Latin language in replenishing the thematic group «Religion»; analyzes the stages of borrowing lexemes from Latin into English.