Keyword: «image»

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Following the need of modern visual culture of society in the formation of highly qualified specialists, the use of a constructivist approach in higher education becomes relevant. Purpose of the article: to show the advantages of the constructivism concept in relation to the metaphysical concept of creating images in education. The constructivist approach creates in education rational, interdisciplinary and prerequisite conditions for the visually competent, artistic and aesthetic construction of models of cultural objects and the formation of the structure of the subject’s mechanisms in the construction of images. The following methods are used in the training construction of visual culture objects: moderate constructivism in the form of a geometric generalization of objects is realized in a complex of structural sign-symbolic elements of the visual language; radical constructivism manifests itself in conjunction with artistic interpretations. Interpretations of geometric structures images of objects are carried out in a system of stylistic features based on the principles of composition and artistic and aesthetic expressiveness. The results of the article can bring significant changes to the education of architects and designers, increasing their capabilities in building models of cultural objects. This is significant for the visual culture of society. The following conditions of the constructivist approach become theoretically and practically significant: regular updating of the content of teaching the constructive process is carried out in accordance with the internal conditions of students; creating an educational environment to provide students with universal means of constructing models common to a range of disciplines; organizing training design in two stages: the first stage develops the objective-spatial construction of models of conventionally recognizable objects; the second stage forms students’ constructive activity in the independent conceptual and artistic construction of objects of visual culture. The stages of training are designed on the basis of the laws of the formation of the personality mechanisms structure in future architects and designers.
A fairytale linguacultural type ‘fairy’ is a recognizable typed anthroponomic image on the material of dictionary definitions, textual illustrations and plots of fairytales by Charles Perrault; it is observed in the article. It is established, this type personifies the ideal image of female abilities, the desire and skill to present joy. It is emphasized herewith, the fairy’s opportunities are limited. Faced with the wrong people behavior, the fairy can punish them. This type is presented in several variants: a magical creature, sometimes with wings (pagan correlate of an angel); a sorceress correlated with a witch who can change her appearance; a loved one; a godmother who loves her godchild, takes responsibility and works wonders as a rule in the form of advices.
The author’s individual comprehension of the concept of <сity> in the modern Russian linguoculture is considered in the article on the material of song texts of the XX-XXI centuries. It is established, these semantic increments are emotionally-evaluated with the assessments of a city are varying from maximally positive to sharply negative. The main directions of the city comprehension are highlighted through the analysis: an ideal city, native, real, a foreign one. In the latter case, we have observed an evaluative contrast between a city and a village. Typical images of the city are gathered around its characteristics of streets, houses, parks, cathedrals and bridges.