Keyword: «image»

in the report, movie posters will be considered as a sample of a static image intended for public viewing, features of the movie poster at different levels of perception will be identified and investigated, and semiotic analysis will be applied.
This article discusses the essence of event-marketing. The role of event marketing in the formation of the image of exhibitors. The experience of participation in the international exhibition of the company "SIG COMBICORM" is analyzed.
The formation of a positive image of an educational institution is a necessary condition for maintaining competition. The work on the image of the educational institution should be systematic and organized. Image is one of the most important criteria of modern education.
The article deals with the image of a modern teacher. The image in pedagogical profession is important as one of the tools of teachers’ influence upon his students. The teacher's training is certainly important, but it is inseparable from his image. If the level of knowledge of a school teacher or university teacher is high, but his image and manners of communication are unpleasant to students, then the learning process will be little effective. In addition, the authors dwell upon the main concepts closely related to the image: reputation and public opinion, which play a significant role in the successful professional activity of a teacher. The article reveals the main structural elements of the image of a teacher, analyzes the code of ethics and the algorithm of designing the modern teacher’s image, the main requirements to self-presentation to various groups: students, their parents, colleagues. The authors analyze the essence of the pedagogical profession, turn to the history of the question, draw conclusions regarding how the image of the teacher was changing in various time periods, what requirements were made for this profession. The relevance of the topic is specified by the fact that at the moment the image of a teacher is widely discussed in the media. Both a school and a high school teacher face the challenges of time, should constantly master new competencies and be ready to work in multitasking. A modern teacher is a teacher, a scientist, a psychologist and an actor. A survey was conducted in the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, the purpose of which is to identify what qualities a modern teacher should have from the point of view of students, their parents and colleagues. The survey showed that the evaluation criteria for students of a school teacher and a teacher at a university vary slightly. In general, the teacher is expected to have in-depth knowledge of his subject, interesting presentation of the material and the ability to make pedagogical communication with students. It should be noted that the image of an ideal teacher varies depending on the class. Primary school pupils often associate a teacher with a parent. In high school students expect not only knowledge from the teacher, but also mentoring. The idea of a positive image of a modern teacher in the representation of students’ parents is closely related to how children perceive it. A positive professional and pedagogical image can motivate students’ parents to cooperate with an educational organization in the educational process, not only at school, but also in a university. Designing a positive image among colleagues is primarily associated with the level of professional training and with universal human qualities, such as decency, empathy, kindness, friendliness, sociability and non-conflict.
The article collects and summarizes documentary and artistic material about the feat of women of the republic during the Great Patriotic War. The subject of this article is works of different genres, from the first essays, short stories and ending with stories, novels of the last decades by the leading writers of the republic about the labor feat of Kyrgyz women. The method of comparative analysis is used to determine the tendency of documentary texts to a portrait sketch. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that literary texts increasingly became psychologically truthful in describing heroines; in Kyrgyz literature, the thematic and genre corpus of works about the feat of women is noticeably expanding. Practical results are offered for use in studying the course of Kyrgyz literature of the 20th century.