Keyword: «independence»

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Will refers to the key issues of personal development that determine the independence and responsibility of preschoolers for their future success. Today, physical training is aimed primarily at protecting and strengthening the health of children, increasing the body's protective forces, generation of an active interest in motor skills, abilities, volitional and physical qualities (speed, agility, litheness, and endurance), the formation of a health culture. The relevance of the topic is caused by the need for psychologists, teachers, and parents in the improvement of already existing approaches of psychological and pedagogical influence on the forming personality of a senior preschool child with the aim of developing autonomy, initiative, dedication, determination, and discipline. The need to develop new, rationally constructed and effective pedagogical technologies is obvious. The aim of this work is to study the methods and techniques of organizing senior preschoolers’ game activity in order to form their volitional qualities. The will is what makes a person capable of setting himself complex goals, achieving them, overcoming external and internal obstacles. A human is not born with a strong will, it is developed throughout life. The subjects of our work are the methods and techniques of organizing gaming activity in the classroom for the physical training of preschoolers in order to form volitional qualities. Methods of work include theoretical analysis of psychological and methodological literature; observation, experiment, conversation; method of quantitative and qualitative data processing. The study of the volitional sphere of senior preschool age children is attractive both in theoretical and in practical terms. There is an intensive formation of the volitional sphere at this age, which consists in the ability to obey the rules and requirements. Formation of volitional qualities in senior preschoolers leads to the development of the self-regulation ability. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that its results expand the understanding of the relationship between physical and volitional upbringing of senior preschool age children. The possibility of volitional qualities effective formation under the influence of purposeful pedagogical influences in the process of physical activity is proved. The practical significance of the work: the authors developed practical recommendations for selection and use of physical exercises to assess the level of independence and initiative development, to cultivate these qualities of the will through the use of a set of physical exercises, mainly aimed at the formation of dedication, determination, discipline. The results of the work for the formation of volitional qualities in older preschoolers during ascertaining experiment showed that mostly prevailed children with low-57%, average – 34% and high level – only 9%. The work does not end there. For the effective formation of volitional qualities we implement specially created pedagogical conditions which will help to increase the level of volitional qualities formation in older preschoolers. After studying the scientific literature, we come to the conclusion that different types of games in physical training influence on the formation of independence in children, discipline, determination, initiative. They bring up the desire to bring the work started to the end, to cultivate the ability to continue work, even if you do not want to do it or if there is more interesting activity. In other words, all types of games are aimed at the formation of the volitional qualities of the individual. Observation of the subjects showed that children became more willing to engage in physical training. This once again confirms the effectiveness of active, sports games in the development of interest in physical training.
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The article is devoted to the consideration of students' independent work in terms of the efficiency of its organization and implementation. The concept of “independent work”, traditional for pedagogy, requires qualitatively new understanding of the contemporary challenges in crisis conditions. In modern society, there has already been a contradiction between a demand for specialists focused on self-education and poorly studied problems of organizing independent work in the theory of pedagogy on the basis of advanced technical means, information and pedagogical technologies. The purpose of this article is to highlight basic pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of students' independent work. The theoretical research methods were used for the study of this problem, as well as a method of observation, conversations with participants in the educational process and an analysis of the author’s teaching practice. Independent work was contemplated by the author in the system of broad ideas as an imperative in the formation of creative independence of future specialists and in a close correlation with independence as a personal quality. The authors focus on such aspects of independent work as a wide field of its implementation at all levels and stages of learning, the need to vary it depending on the complexity of tasks and forms of their solution. The authors of the article persist in their point of view that the main direction of students' independent work is the formation of creative independence, which allows preparing specialists with a highly organized individual style of self-education. Provisions and observations presented in the article improve the theoretical ideas about independent work as a form of educational and cognitive activity, contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the practical introduction of this process into education system in the context of modern professional requirements.
The article discusses the main historical stages of the formation and development of project methods as part of educational activities in General education schools. Many foreign and domestic teachers considered this type of activity as an independent activity of students.
The article reveals the possibility of forming the independence of older preschool children through the digital environment. The study involved 50 participants, including 48 children of senior preschool age and two educators. MBDOU kindergarten number 24 "Raduga" in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. A category of children with high, medium and low indicators of the level of independence was identified according to the methodology of A. M. Shchetinina "Map of manifestations of independence." The results of a formative experiment with a group of older preschoolers, aimed at the formation of independence in the digital environment, are presented.
The article describes the results of a study of motivational factors of conformal behavior of high school students. The significance of the influence of an authoritative personality, group on the conformal behavior of high school students is substantiated. It is shown that the psychological basis of conformity is the high suggestibility of a teenager, involuntary imitation. It is proved that motivational factors of conformal be-havior of high school students are the motives of affiliation and independence, the effect of which is mediat-ed by the degree of significance of the group exerting influence.