Keyword: «music»

In this article the contribution of songs to the English language learning is investigated. According to the article, we can identify the cultural factors while learning the language. Songs of young Canadian singer Justin Bieber are analyzed and we may see vestiges of Canadian English in his songs. The same experiment is done in American music and songs of American singer Beyonce are analyzed too. The words which we see for the first time in her songs are add¬ed into the language. The author identifies two factors that influence the use of phrases from songs in a spoken language: linguistic and cultural. The article provides examples of songs that have been used in speech. Special attention is paid to short language forms.
The article summarizes the experience of teaching Russian culture at an American Social center.
The article defines the features and directions of aesthetic education of schoolchildren, analyzes the role of music in the process of aesthetic education of adolescents, reveals the role of classical music in the process of formation and development of personality of adolescent students. In the framework of the study, the authors determine the specifics of the influence of classical music on the learning and education of students in secondary schools.
The article considers the possibility of using logorhythmics in music classes and its influence on the speech of children with erased dysarthria. Means of logorhythmics develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, contribute to the development of intonation component, make more effective speech therapy work on the correction of sound reproduction and normalization of speech breathing.
The article presents the material of the study of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech in older preschoolers with erased dysarthria. For this, the method of examination of the six main elements of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech was adapted (perception of the rhythm, reproduction of the rhythm, determination of the tempo of speech, perception of the tempo of speech, reproduction of the reflected tempo of speech and independent control of the tempo of speech). Methodological recommendations for a speech therapist on the use of logorhythmics in the classroom for older preschoolers with erased dysarthria have been developed.