Keyword: «erased dysarthria»

This article discusses the features of the formation of phonemic perception in children with dysarthria obliterated. The development of phonemic perception is the basis for the formation of grammatical, lexical and phonetic rich clear voice in the process of learning the native language. Phonemic perception disorders complicate the process of sending children to school, so the timely correction of speech disorders is a prerequisite for the psychological readiness of children to school knowledge assimilation.
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The article discusses the formation of prerequisites for phonemic perception in speech ontogenesis, and clarifies the concepts of “phonemic hearing” and “phonemic perception”. The authors examine the relationship between the unformed prerequisites of phonemic perception and the mechanisms of erased dysarthria. They describe a method for diagnosing the development level of prerequisites for phonemic perception in 4–5 years old children with erased dysarthria, and interpret the results of practical research. The speech therapy work on the formation of phonemic perception prerequisites in 4–5 years old children with erased dysarthria, based on the results of practical research, is also presented here.
The article presents the material of the study of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech in older preschoolers with erased dysarthria. For this, the method of examination of the six main elements of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech was adapted (perception of the rhythm, reproduction of the rhythm, determination of the tempo of speech, perception of the tempo of speech, reproduction of the reflected tempo of speech and independent control of the tempo of speech). Methodological recommendations for a speech therapist on the use of logorhythmics in the classroom for older preschoolers with erased dysarthria have been developed.
The article is devoted to the currently relevant problem of the development of fine motor skills in older preschoolers with an erased form of dysarthria. The features of the formation of the motor sphere (in particular fine motor skills) in this category of children are described based on empirical research. The theoretical justification is presented and the advantages of using plasticinography as a method of improving manual motor skills in children with an erased form of dysarthria are highlighted. The possibilities of introducing plasticinography into the structure of speech therapy classes are analyzed.