Keyword: «perception»

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The article concerns the purposes of teaching to read foreign languages the students of the Technical University, in a context of dialogue of cultures and the psychological component of teaching the students to read is considered focusing on developing different reading subskills by means of training in perception, understanding and interpretation of a different sort of texts with various depth of penetration into their con-tents
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The article described methods of psycholinguistic expertise as a judicial expertise on example research book for teenagers. The article told the results of scientific modeling the influence semantic structure of the written language on consciousness teenagers.
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Fiction is one of the most important means of harmonious development of personality. It is extremely extends human experience. The article considers the importance of this process, as the understanding of literary texts, teaching children, place this problem in the system of special psychology and pedagogy.
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The article is devoted to the analysis of 18–22 years old girls’ perception of potential rape victim’s stereotype image.
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The article raised the issue about the possibilities of music lessons as a component of the use of health-technology in the modern elementary school. Identified the main characteristics of health-technology in the classroom music, cited as examples of exercises which use music in the classroom allows you to save the health of the student.