Keyword: «practice»

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The article presents the main theoretical views of leading Russian and foreign educators and psycholo-gists in the field of modern educational technologies, the use ofgaming technology in the educational pro-cess; in the paper are also given artistic and didactic games and exercises used in the classroom of the history of art.
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The paper deals with the essence of concept «Pedagogical terms». Considering complex of terms for professional competence of future teacher of food production technologies, we were limited by the terms created in concrete educational organizatio, remembering what other terms influence on this process. Formation of professional competence in the process of professional-practical preparation would provide next pedagogical terms: providing systematic positive motivation to future profession; planning maintenance of professional disciplines; use of innovative technologies in the process of forming professional competence; mastering practical experience of future professional activity. The selection of necessary and sufficient terms is reasonable is the next stage of optimization of future teacher professional preparation for mastering professional competence.
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In modern conditions it is important not only to observe the structure of the curriculum and all educational program, but above all, to pay special attention to its contents, proper names of units, disciplines (modules), educational, work and pre-diploma practices, research papers, parts of the state final certification, electives. The purpose of the present article is consideration of the basic requirements for substantive registration of names components of the curriculum of educational programs of higher education for the levels of bachelor, specialist and master degrees.
the problem posed by the author in the article concerns the basic methods of teaching a foreign language. The purpose of the study is to talk about the specific features of learning in general, and how knowledge is formed, in particular. The thesis reveals the activity specifics of a foreign language course. The emphasis is on the didactic principles of learning, which were and still are the principles of knowledge formation. The author emphasizes the idea that training gives positive results when it is based on the practice of using the language, while the desire of the student to apply this knowledge regularly plays a paramount role.
The article discusses the features of research competence in biology lessons. Research in biology classes allows you to see the ability of students to theoretical and practical knowledge.