Galina Vartapetova

City: Novosibirsk
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4 Publications in the journal


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The article describes the differentiated approach in the prevention of speech disorders in children at an early age. The authors give a description of children with risk factors for alalia, dysarthria and stammering. They also present comparative indicators of the objective activity, communication and procedural games formation level.
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The article substantiates the differentiated approach to the correction of speech lexical structure violations in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. The application of the differentiated approach in correctional speech therapy for children is considered. The authors analyse programs of corrective work with preschool age children having general speech underdevelopment.
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This paper presents the results of neuropsychological studies to identify prerequisites dysgraphia in stu-dents of the first class of a comprehensive school. The study was conducted using the method of neuro-psychological examination of younger schoolboys L.S. Tsvetkova, graphic techniques A.N. Kornev. Qualita-tive and quantitative analysis of the data show the presence of children with dysarthria predisposition to dysgraphia mixed character.
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This paper presents the description of a differentiated approach in the application of speech therapy mas-sage for correction of pronunciation disorders in children with dysarthria. The characteristics of groups of children with different variants of disorders of muscle tone and specific to each case displays zvukopro-iznoshenija violations. Specific examples show the specificity of application of differentiated complexes speech therapy massage.