Ekaterina Isypova

City: Volgograd
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
9 PAPAI index
7 Publications in the journal


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The author reveals one of the pressing issues of our time - the compulsory procedure for the liquidation of legal entities. The article details the grounds for compulsory liquidation, written in law; the subjects that have the right to make such a decision are indicated. In addition, the author explains the differences between voluntary liquidation and judicial liquidation.
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The article is devoted to the study of Beccaria's legal views, which were reflected in his works. The main work was the study of the treatise "On crimes and punishments", which is one of the most famous works of the Italian thinker. The author also describes the provisions of the works of CH. Beccaria, reflected in the modern criminal and criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation.
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The article is devoted to the study of the essence of intellectual property, as well as its features. The author analyzes the regulatory acts of various levels. Particular attention is paid to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The general analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and international acts allows us to give a more accurate description of the studied issue.
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The author analyzes one of the actual problems of modern society – compensation for harm that can be done to both an individual and a legal entity. The article details the illegitimate behavior of the injurer, as well as the causal relationship between the action (inaction) of the person causing the harm and the harm that occurred due to his fault.
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The author of the article makes a thorough analysis of legal acts concerning the influence of guilt on the reduction and discharging from non-contractual liability. The work reflects the opinions of scientists on the issue under consideration. Some examples from practical work are presented.