Pavel Gorev
ART 15233
The article determines the role of innovative activity of educational institutions in improving the quality of education. Specific examples of innovative educational projects in the Lyceum # 21 of the city of Kirov and directed at creating a unified system for the registration of participants of the educational process in activities that ensure their quality growth at the level of the subject, metasubject and personal results.
ART 15342
The paper proposes a variant of the organization of research and design activity of pupils of 5–11 classes in the context of continuous formation of mathematics education in the relationship content, forms and methods of the primary and secondary education students enrolled in classes with in-depth study of mathematics, computer science and natural sciences (chemistry, biology). Experience increasingly presented by the authors in the educational space at the Kirov’s Lyceum 21 and has positive results.
ART 15132
The article describes one approach to structuring the lesson to enhance its educational effect and achieve interdisciplinary learning outcomes. The authors propose to use a modified version of the structure of a cre-ative lesson that is embedded in the system NFTM-TRIZ by M. M. Zinovkina. Means of achieving this goal is proposed to elect a system of open tasks at different stages of a lesson of mathematics.
ART 15191
The article suggests one of the variants of career guidance work with pupils in the form of participation in the competition for solving interdisciplinary problems in mathematics and physics. The organizational struc-ture of the competition in three stages: individual problem solving, team passing route of the four stations, team play "Regatta". Also presented the tasks of each stage.
ART 15093
The article familiarizes the reader with the experience of writing and implementing social projects senior secondary schools in the framework of discipline "Based on project work and scientific creativity", aimed at Sauveur-improve the educational space of individual educational institutions (by the example of the Lyceum № 21). It shows a possible structure of a phased description of the social project offered to the students, and the specific example of its implementation.