Keyword: «креативность»
ART 470019
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the development of creativity in the learning process,since it is its Foundation. This theme is eternal pedagogical problem and does not lose its rele-vance, requiring constant attention. Today's world needs people who are enterprising, creative, able to find new approaches to solving problems and challenges and to be useful to society. So, today, one of the main tasks of the elementary school education of a creative personality.
ART 470030
The article presents a classification of the facts and the specific situations in the educational process, which amounted to a specific field of modern didactics. Interactive methods are proposed for the development of communicative skills.
Research of productivity of exercises on development of creativity in children of younger school age
ART 470032
Results of a research on detection of productivity of the exercises creating creativity are stated. The author considered conditions of increase in interest in educational activities at children.
creativity, antitsipation