Keyword: «digital competence»
ART 231084
In the context of digitalization of society, a comprehensive school faces new challenges, a school that gives a start in life to students with disabilities. Currently, teachers should be ready to provide pedagogical support to their students in mastering new and rapidly updating technologies. Pedagogics should be ready to keep up with the times to solve the problems of socialization of students with disabilities. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively consider the current state of readiness of teachers for socialization of students with disabilities in the context of digitalization of society. The work includes a survey to study the digital competence of teachers, without which it is impossible to solve the tasks of socialization at a decent level. The teacher should be psychologically prepared, have appropriate knowledge in the field of digital technologies, have the skills to use them in practice. Due to the absence of a special subject for the study of digital technologies at school, the solution of socialization problems in the conditions of digitalization of society is seen through the introduction of digital technologies into lessons in various subjects, correctional and developmental classes and educational practice, explaining their significance and opportunities. As a result of the study, the specific features of teachers' motivation to use digital technologies in their professional activities are defined, the value-meaning foundations of their activities in this direction are analyzed and the characteristics of teachers' functional readiness are highlighted. The article defines vectors and ways of teachers’ professional improvement in terms of the introduction of students with disabilities into the modern world, where digital technologies are important tools. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that for the first time an analysis of the readiness of teachers for the socialization of students with disabilities in the conditions of digitalization of society has been made. The article will be useful for teachers working with children with disabilities, developers of advanced training courses, scientists conducting research in the field of teachers’ professional development.
The article talks about the relevance of acquiring digital skills and abilities in the modern era of uncertainty, ambiguity, ambiguity: each society and potential employer require possession of basic skills and abilities that define a specialist in a particular field; supra-professional skills and abilities (cognitive, communicative, cooperative); digital skills and skills for access to information and management by her. The content of the discipline «Information technologies in legal activity» is revealed for students of the bachelor's degree level of the field of training «Jurisprudence», the profile «Lawyer of general practice». The conclusion is made about the importance of this discipline for the training of a qualified lawyer in demand in the labor market.
The article examines the role of digital competence of a teacher in the formation of legal literacy of younger schoolchildren. The article includes the definition of the concepts of "digital competence", "legal literacy". The influence of a teacher's digital competence on the development of legal skills in children is discussed. The importance of developing the digital competence of a teacher for the effective formation of a legal culture among younger schoolchildren is emphasized.
ART 241146
Recently, Python programming has been introduced into the curricula for training specialists in many fields. This is due to the fact that the Python programming language has a wide range of options for use in various aspects (for example, it is convenient for web development, data analysis, writing scripts and games). Based on the analysis of practical activities, we can find that such a combination of options is not often needed by specialists in a particular field. Hence, there is a need to choose a priority when learning the Python programming language. The aim of the study is to examine the specific aspects of Python programming in the formation of students' digital competence. Scientific novelty: the necessity of choosing a priority direction of learning programming in Python for students of different areas of training is substantiated. The theoretical and practical significance lies in identifying the potential and characteristics of Python programming in the formation of digital competence among students of different areas of training. The presented article summarizes the experience and describes the results of a practical study aimed at justifying the specific aspects of teaching programming in Python to students of different areas of training. The criteria for the formation of digital competence of students who studied programming in 2020-2021 and in 2021-2022 academic years are given as the results of the control group. The results of the experimental group are considered to be the criteria for the formation of digital competence of students who studied programming in the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic years. The conducted research has confirmed that teaching programming to students of different areas of training by choosing the priority direction of using the Python language is an effective means of forming their digital competence. The indicators of general cultural, general professional and professional competences are considered as criteria for the effectiveness of students' digital competence formation. The effectiveness of choosing a priority direction of programming in Python has been experimentally confirmed by the increase among the students of the experimental group of such professional indicators of students' digital competence as: the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and programming methods when working with non-standard professional tasks; the ability to select and use methods for complex solutions of professional tasks that have standard implementation conditions; the ability to work with HTML pages.
ART 241152
The modernization of higher education opens up prospects for the use of services for generating various content (text, keywords, pictures) to improve the quality of training for specialists in the field of library and information services. In addition, the priority tasks of the training programs are: filling the content of academic disciplines with the cognitive component of the culture of interethnic communication, formation of communicative and digital competences. The author investigates the problem of substantiating the effectiveness of the use of word cloud generation services in the training of librarians. The purpose of the research is to study the characteristics of online tag cloud generators use in teaching students in the area of training 51.03.06 Library and information services. Scientific novelty: the potential of online tag cloud generators for training demanded librarians is substantiated. Theoretical significance: the revealed characteristics of information interaction in the creation and use of tag clouds are clarified in relation to training librarians of the future. The development of tag clouds takes place in the classroom in the discipline «Modern information Technology». The AhaSlides platform and the Live Word Cloud Generator tool are used to organize students' information and communication activities. 80 bachelors are involved, their specialization is «Digitalization of information resources and processes». All of them are second–and third-year students. The author describes a system for working with tag cloud generation services, which includes the following stages: analysis of available digital tools and selection of the optimal one, study of functional potentials, their application to solve educational tasks and support library and information services. In conclusion, the specific aspects of using online tag cloud generators for training librarians are formulated: recognition of the value of each proposed idea, objectivity in the analysis and interpretation of the text and the resulting "tag cloud", support for joint activities in a virtual environment and when selecting a set of keywords, propaedeutic work with artificial intelligence technology. Practical significance: the factors influencing the effectiveness of the use of online tag cloud generators in the training of librarians to improve the quality of their training have been identified: increasing the influence of artificial intelligence and robotics on the labor market, the range of reader interests, digital literacy. The obtained results can be used to improve the programs of the system of professional and additional professional training of librarians.