Keyword: «discussion»

The article describes innovative technologies used in the training of foreign military personnel. The advantages of these technologies aimed at stimulating the independence of students in the process of studying the Russian as a foreign language language are considered.
Currently, in connection with the modern needs of the society, there is a modernization of various fields of activity, including education. To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to improve the forms of organization of the educational process, as indicated by the new federal state educational standards and the national education project, and also to increase the motivation of schoolchildren to learn, introduce new technologies and teaching methods, change the position of the teacher and the student. The purpose of this article is to study active teaching methods taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the specifics of the subject taught, the age characteristics of schoolchildren, the time frame of the school lesson and the possibility of their application in English lessons. In the course of the work, it was found that active teaching methods contribute to the formation of positive learning motivation, develop the creative abilities of students, actively involve students in the educational process, reveal the personal and individual capabilities of students, develop non-standard thinking, increase the cognitive activity of students, allow them to master great volume of material.
The educational standards of higher education stipulate that graduates have universal competencies, which imply the ability to creatively solve production, research, socio-cultural, managerial and other tasks, which determined the relevance of the development and implementation in the educational process of methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of key competencies. The purpose of the article is to identify the most effective forms of work on the development of students' cognitive activity. The article de-scribes the methods and techniques tested in modern Russian language classes, which contribute to the improvement of the quality of training of specialists in philology: creative works, project activities, linguistic discussions and debates, practice-oriented tasks, etc.
The article is devoted to the issues of organizing a seminar lesson in a secondary vocational educational organization, the functions of the seminar in the educational process, the activities of the teacher and students in preparing for the seminar and con-ducting it. It was revealed that the seminar as a form of education requires a high level of independence from students, and thoughtful methodological activity from the teacher. Stu-dents should be able to work with various sources, compare the opinions of different au-thors and draw their own conclusions. Preparing students for the seminar includes search-ing and reading literature on a given topic and making notes. In the process of preparing and conducting the seminar, students are required to meet higher demands in terms of independence, initiative and ability to work with literature, which contributes to a better un-derstanding and assimilation of the material studied. Preparing a teacher for a seminar includes choosing a topic for a lesson, planning, asking questions, and selecting literature. Lesson topics are planned in advance in the course work program and can be selected based on various criteria. The seminar performs several valuable functions, such as cogni-tive, control-evaluative, developmental, activity-based, educational, etc. It complements the educational process, allows students to develop professional skills, improve analytical thinking, and contributes to their learning of effective communication and interaction.