Keyword: «precedent phenomena»

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The article proves the interaction of the literary context as ideologically-philosophical factor with characters and lives of the novel «Green marquee» by L. Ulitskaya. Intertextual stylistic devices (allusions, reminiscences, citations, biographies of famous culture public figures, etc) are pointed out and carry out the func-tion of expressing the author’s consciousness and characters' delineation in the book by L. Ulitskaya. The significance of creative work by V. Narbut, N. Gorbanevskaya, Yu. Daniel is defined to solve the problem «literature as destiny».
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The article reveals functionality of precedent phenomena of M. E. Saltikov-Schedrin’s fairytales in satirical cycles of E. I. Zamyatin’s fairytales and defines the specific artistic encoding of Schedrin’s satire and reference to the historical analogy of narration interpretation. The creative work of the Russian classical writer proves to be a peculiar system-prototype of Zamyatin’s satire.
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The article deals with the analysis of Kuprin’s little-studied works from the point of view of precedent phe-nomena usage of Old and New Testament in his stories and essay prose. Researches of The Bible allusions and reminiscences as well as symbolic titles of Kuprin’s stories contribute to deep insight into the author’s intention and ways of creating artistic images.
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The article analyses motif of kindness in the story «Art of living» by L. Ulitskaya, defines its role in the image system, points out bearers of motives, moral, esthetic characteristics of the writer’s stories and reviews the origin of the question.
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In the article we consider the peculiarities of precedent phenomena translation in the novel by C. Bushnell, «Sex and the city». Under the precedent phenomena we understand such phenomena, which are widely known to representatives of the national linguistic-cultural community, relevant in cognitive terms, and constantly recurring in the speech of linguistic-cultural community representatives. There are several ways of translating precedent phenomena: transcription, transliteration, generalization and concretization, grammatical transformation, antonymic and descriptive translation. There are a lot of precedent phenomena in the novel and in this regard, the translation of the novel, made by N. Bank, is of great interest.