Keyword: «preschool education»

LEGO construction is a type of productive activity based on creative modeling (construction games) using universal LEGO elements. The relevance of this technology is that it reveals the world of technology for older preschoolers. LEGO-building more than other activities prepares the ground for the development of children's technical abilities.
The article covers the problems of early children education in England, the historical and philosophic aspects are touched upon as well. Different points of view on the significance of education quality on early stages are reflected. It is highlighted that In England the learner oriented approach has been always implemented. In conclusion the modern approach to early children education and current documents adopted by the European Commission on education are analysed.
The article reflects the key points of using remote technologies in the organization of preschool children's education. The article reveals the necessity of using remote technologies in the education of preschool children.
the article reveals the features and advantages of creating and using personal Google Sites. The purpose of digital opportunities in correctional speech therapy activities with participants in educational relationships.
The article attempts to integrate correctional and developmental work into all educational areas through a digital educational environment.