Keyword: «preschool education»

This article reveals the features of the development of preschool children with motor alalia. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the number of children with motor alalia is currently increasing. Teachers, speech therapists and defectologists are looking for effective methods and means to stimulate speech activity in preschoolers.The researchers come to the conclusion that logarithmic technologies contain great opportunities for stimulating the speech activity of preschoolers with motor alalia and contribute to the development of all higher mental functions and the socialization of children. The article contains a list of references, authors studying logarithmic technologies and working with motor alalias.
In order to implement a comprehensive approach to the correction of speech disorders in children, effective continuity in the work of two very important links – preschool and school speech therapy services is necessary. Their close interaction helps speech therapists of preschool educational organizations to more clearly imagine the difficulties that arise in children with speech disorders in the process of learning at school.
This article describes the experience of working with the digital platform «Mobile E-Education. Kindergarten», in the organization of educational activities with preschool children.
The article presents the experience of designing and testing a model for the preparation of pedagogical practice of students of the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education for the formation of functional literacy of preschoolers using the digital educational environment «MEO Kindergarten».
The article considers the specifics of the implementation of early vocational guidance for preschoolers. Based on the analysis of state documents, educational practice, the specifics of the implementation of early vocational guidance for preschoolers at the present stage are presented. The specifics of the implementation of the system of early vocational guidance for preschoolers is determined by the system of preschool education and the system of additional education.