Keyword: «universal learning actions»

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The article analyzes what teachers are mistaken in when formulating educational goals (with examples), stud-ies the criteria and rules for lesson targeting in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educa-tional standard of primary education, and proposes the basic techniques of teaching students how to set goals.
The article discloses the essence of the concepts of "Project Method" and "Research Method". The characteristic and distinctive features of these concepts are considered; The skillful skillings are allocated in the process of their participation in project and research activities; The pedagogical effects of the use of the method of projects and the research method in modern school are determined.
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The rapidly developing information society imposes special requirements on graduates of secondary vocational education. The necessary qualities and abilities corresponding to the modern stage of life are reflected in the federal state standards of both secondary general education and state standards for the profession. The requirements are set for personal, subject, meta-subject results, as well as for general and professional competences. The importance of the formation of meta-subject results and general competences of students of secondary vocational education is increasing, since this process and the means for its implementation have been studied extremely poorly. In this regard, the problem of the formation of meta-subject results and general competences of students of secondary vocational education is actualized. The main means of solving this problem is characterized ‒ tasks with multicomponent drawings that have educational potential and can be applied to the formation of both meta-subject and general competences in the professional training of students of a multidisciplinary technical school. A structural and functional model of the application of the meta–subject potential of tasks with multicomponent drawings in the professional training of students of a multidisciplinary technical school is constructed by means of pedagogical modeling. The purpose of the article is to characterize the components of the model of the application of the meta–subject potential of tasks with multicomponent drawings in the professional training of students of a multidisciplinary technical school. The article substantiates methodological approaches to research: meta–subject, competence–based, personal activity-oriented and cognitive-visual ones. The principles of personal and professional self-determination, universality, reflexivity, interdisciplinarity, integrativity, variability are defined within the framework of the selected approaches. The objective, theoretical and methodological, structural and technological, substantive and evaluative–effective components of the model based on the use of tasks with multicomponent drawings in the professional training of students of a multidisciplinary technical school are characterized. In addition, the core of the model is clearly presented in the form of the formation of meta-subject (personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive) results and general competences that allow us to reach the level of a highly qualified specialist through appropriate universal learning actions, while using the learning tool we are studying. The significance of this model in the form of a social order and the direct purposefulness of the model itself is formulated in the target component. The theoretical and methodological component reveals the approaches, principles and concepts necessary to disclose the content of this problem. The structural and technological component reveals the technical, technological and structural elements. The content component helps to identify the elements and didactic functions of the meta-subject potential of tasks with multicomponent drawings. The evaluative-effective component contains assessment tools that allow us to monitor the dynamics of the formation of meta-subject educational results and general competences of students of a multidisciplinary technical school through the use of tasks with multicomponent drawings. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the substantiation of the components of the structural and functional model of the application of the meta–subject potential of tasks with multicomponent drawings in the professional training of students of a multidisciplinary technical school. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed structural and functional model in the educational organization of the secondary vocational education system.
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Formation of meta-disciplinary learning outcomes in secondary school students is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education, as it is fundamentally important to educate students not subjectively, but comprehensively, that is in connection with all academic disciplines. This problem can be solved by the teaching approach that focuses students on the formation of generalized skills of working with any subject material both in the educational process and in real-life situations. Due to constructing activity-based meta-disciplinary scenarios in the study of academic subjects, a modern learner gets an opportunity to test the skills and abilities obtained at school. The aim of this article is to examine the meta-disciplinary approach to learning as a tool for combining academic subjects, building logical relationships, and organizing situations of practical application of the acquired knowledge both in learning activities within the subject "Foreign language" and in real life. The FSES objectives for training future graduates of educational institutions require them to perform a number of actions of a universal, i.e. meta-disciplinary nature, namely to be independent, to be able to organize, plan and evaluate their activities, to structure knowledge, to reflect, etc. All of the above directly characterizes universal learning actions (hereinafter referred to as "ULAs"). In order to form student's ULAs, teachers need to pay special attention to the methods, techniques, and technologies that can influence the formation of these meta-disciplinary skills and abilities in each subject. The article analyzes the pedagogical technologies that promote the formation and development of metacognitive skills, which are universal learning actions. The data obtained as a result allow us to assess which pedagogical technologies and techniques can be the most effective for the formation of the ULAs for secondary school students, which components of ULAs (personal, regulative, cognitive and communicative learning actions) can be affected by this or that technology. The worked out pedagogical exercises for the development of ULAs in secondary school students at the English language lessons can be integrated into the educational process by practicing teachers.
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The relevance of the study is due to the contradiction between the objective need of secondary school teachers to realize the potential of feedback as a means of developing universal learning actions of schoolchildren – on the one hand, and the practical difficulties that teachers face in the process of realizing feedback opportunities in the development of universal learning actions of schoolchildren due to lack of the corresponding didactic model development – on the other. The aim of the study: to develop and theoretically substantiate a didactic feedback model that contributes to the effective development of universal learning actions among secondary school students. The study is based on the methodology of system activity-oriented, student-centered and problem-oriented approaches. Main results of the study: a constructive feedback model has been developed that is focused on the development of universal learning actions of students thanks to: a) purposeful selection of the content of educational material in the form of tasks, assignments, exercises aimed at the primary development of a specific group of universal learning actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative ); b) systematic and interconnected implementation of feedback in the classroom and during independent homework using a set of traditional and innovative (digital) techniques aimed at obtaining information about learning goals, correctness of learning actions to achieve them and the results obtained. Requirements for feedback that make learning “visible” have been identified. they are systematized into three groups: requirements for the teacher; requirements for the student; requirements for the educational environment. The theoretical significance of the study is in complementing modern school didactics thanks to the proposed feedback model that promotes the development of universal learning actions. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the identified and systematized requirements, techniques and methods of implementing developmental feedback can be used by teachers of primary and secondary schools for the purpose of controlled development of students’ universal learning actions.