Irina Migdal

City: Kolomna, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Work: State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Post: Associate Professor, Chair of Germanic-Romance Languages and Methods of Their Teaching
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3 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education declares that the result of learning a foreign language at school should be a certain level of foreign language communicative competence formation, due to which a student will be able to carry out the process of everyday and/or professional communication with native speakers. One of the most important aspects of a student's communicative competence is the knowledge of grammar. It is grammar that provides the construction of competent foreign-language speech in accordance with literary linguistic norms. Grammatical differences between languages often cause students’ grammatical interference, that is typological grammatical errors which are stable and difficult to correct. The prevalence of this type of language difficulties in learning a foreign language indicates the relevance of the study, setting as its goal the development of exercises to overcome grammatical difficulties and prevent potential errors in students’ speech. The aim of this study is to examine ways to overcome typical cases of grammatical interference at the lessons of a foreign language. In this article, the most typical grammatical difficulties of schoolchildren when learning English will be analyzed, as well as ways to prevent and overcome them. The data acquired as a result of the study allow us to evaluate which exercises can be the most effective to level out grammatical interference in middle school students and which exercises can help to eliminate some typical grammatical errors. The worked-out learning exercises to reduce grammatical difficulties for secondary school students in English lessons can be integrated by practicing teachers into the educational process.
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Formation of meta-disciplinary learning outcomes in secondary school students is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education, as it is fundamentally important to educate students not subjectively, but comprehensively, that is in connection with all academic disciplines. This problem can be solved by the teaching approach that focuses students on the formation of generalized skills of working with any subject material both in the educational process and in real-life situations. Due to constructing activity-based meta-disciplinary scenarios in the study of academic subjects, a modern learner gets an opportunity to test the skills and abilities obtained at school. The aim of this article is to examine the meta-disciplinary approach to learning as a tool for combining academic subjects, building logical relationships, and organizing situations of practical application of the acquired knowledge both in learning activities within the subject "Foreign language" and in real life. The FSES objectives for training future graduates of educational institutions require them to perform a number of actions of a universal, i.e. meta-disciplinary nature, namely to be independent, to be able to organize, plan and evaluate their activities, to structure knowledge, to reflect, etc. All of the above directly characterizes universal learning actions (hereinafter referred to as "ULAs"). In order to form student's ULAs, teachers need to pay special attention to the methods, techniques, and technologies that can influence the formation of these meta-disciplinary skills and abilities in each subject. The article analyzes the pedagogical technologies that promote the formation and development of metacognitive skills, which are universal learning actions. The data obtained as a result allow us to assess which pedagogical technologies and techniques can be the most effective for the formation of the ULAs for secondary school students, which components of ULAs (personal, regulative, cognitive and communicative learning actions) can be affected by this or that technology. The worked out pedagogical exercises for the development of ULAs in secondary school students at the English language lessons can be integrated into the educational process by practicing teachers.
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The problem of interaction between a teacher and a student in a secondary school, its nature, essence, functional and organizational characteristics have become the subject of research in the field of such sciences as philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. One of the tasks for solving the above mentioned problem is to find and implement new forms of education, among which interactive techniques and methods can be distinguished as a way to support the educational process, the transition from the reproductive to the active paradigm of knowledge development, to education based on constructive joint activity of all participants in the educational process. This determines the relevance of the research topic. The main goal of this work is to reveal the influence of interactive lessons on the level of foreign language acquisition in the senior grades of the secondary school of the Moscow region. Observation and conversation were defined as research methods, which were carried out at the ascertaining and control stage. "Cluster", "puzzle" (or "mosaic"), "cases" were chosen as interactive methods. The conducted research has shown the effectiveness of the use of interactive methods in the process of teaching a foreign language. The implementation of our proposed methodology for organizing an interactive foreign language lesson contributes to an increase in the level of knowledge among students, since it is possible to note a positive dynamics in the levels of mastering a foreign language, in our case, English, by 10th grade students of the «Georgievskaya Gymnasium» using interactive methods. The theoretical provisions contained in the study, obtained as a result of in-depth analysis of key methodological works of Russian and foreign experts on the topic of our research, drawn conclusions and practical developments allow us to optimize the selection and implementation of methods and means for organizing educational interaction between students and teachers in the English language lessons. We have tested the developed the technology of organizing and conducting educational interaction, as a result of which the joint work between teachers and students can be effectively initiated. The obtained research data testify to the effectiveness of the use of interactive teaching methods in foreign language lessons in high school, since they contribute to increasing their level of foreign language communicative competence and proficiency.
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Modern educational paradigm faces the wide range of problems nowadays. One of the main issues is the problem of transition of high school leavers from narrow school world to the ‘adult’ world. While choosing their path whether to continue studying or to start working, graduates realize that they do not have the required set of skills needed for effective functioning in the nearest future. This problem generates other similar problems, such as the problem of career choosing, inability to make decisions, set goals and take on a responsibility. Such uncertainty worries young people and make them and their parents feel anxious which leads to early sending down from institutions of higher education, unjustified expectations and the feeling of time wasted in vain. The desire to solve this problem has helped us decide the direction of our study. That is why the aim of our study is to reveal the peculiarities of eduScrum tecnology influence on soft skills development. Having based on eduScrum technology, we have studied it thoroughly and discovered that this methodology leads students and teachers to the improvement of academic results in learning the school program when it is followed according to the strict plan. The next step in our study was the consideration of soft skills as the idea that is becoming more and more popular in applied linguistics. Soft skills today are regarded as an important stage of students’ development, because they represent those qualities, which would be useful in future work or education. In addition, the relevance of this study is justified by the lack of related works on the impact of eduScrum on the development of soft skills in schoolchildren. We may draw a conclusion that the described problem was not studied from such a side, and that has become the main criterion for choosing it. The question of potential of eduScrum technology in soft skills formation and development was studied both theoretically and practically and it is our MA thesis statement. The result of the research experiment is the electronic manual for teachers and students aimed to facilitate the studying process, to structure it and to enhance the results. Simultaneously with studying goals we also managed to raise awareness of our students about soft skills and develop some of them during the work with eduScrum.