Aleksandr Belyaev

City: Stavropol
0 Publications in RSCI
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11 PAPAI index
6 Publications in the journal


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The problem of searching for new methods, models of university management, the role of rector in the university management system are investigated in the article. The tasks of developing trust within the university, supporting responsibility and self-organization are specified. The purpose of the article is to find ways to overcome the excessive centralization of management, alienation of managerial functions from the chairs, restoration of academic autonomy, and increasing attention to students. The causes of the negative phenomena emergence, the facts of teachers’ loss of trust to university management are analyzed. The author reveals the most typical causes of pedagogical relations destruction, expressed in the moral and psychological persecution of teachers protesting against the bureaucratization of educational process, depreciation of pedagogical values, disintegration of academic culture.
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The problem of humanitarian sociocultural medium creation in Higher Education Institution is examined. The author reveals the factors which impede university identity preservation, describes examples of professional ethics violation, suggests the means of discrepancies elimination and drawbacks overcoming.
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The paper examines the problem of increase in the scientific potential of regional universities, attraction of extra-budgetary funds to research and design developments. The dependence of university science on the level of the economic development of region, industrial production determining demand on the innovation projects, to the introduction high technologies is shown. The author proposes package of measures, which facilitate the convergence of scientific research and design activity of the scientists independent of their departmental belonging to increase in their competitive ability.
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The paper deals with the problem of the explanation of the process of regional elections to the organs of legislative authority in the context of social psychology. The role of the factors, which determine the attitude of voters toward electoral campaign, is examined: control of election campaign, personal special features and behavior of candidates, mechanisms of installations mformation, ideas of voters, cultural context, cognitive processes. The author proposes methods and means to improve the mechanism of selective election of candidates and overcoming of stereotypes.
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The paper deals with the problem of the historical roots of the joint universities. The author bases the scientific approaches for reflecting contemporary history of university; gives the systematic recommendations of description, comprehension and reflection of vital problems of university life, realization of innovative approach to develop strategy for federal university evolution.