Marina G. Sergeeva
ART 241173
Modern provisions of the higher education system are conditioned by the transforming requirements of the labor market. In accordance with this, new, more flexible teaching methods appear that take into account the needs of not only business, but also the individual needs of students. Tools and methods are borrowed from other areas of application. Thus, the journey map tool came from marketing to education, which is aimed at studying the educational experience and needs of the student. The study of the student's educational path reflects the competence approach, the essence of which is focus on professional and personal abilities. The aim of the article is to determine the stages of developing a student journey map (SJM) as a tool for forming competences while training future managers; as well as the development of SJM in the discipline "Marketing". The study used theoretical and empirical methods, such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, semi-structured interview. As a result of the study, the main stages of SJM development were identified, which include: defining goals and objectives, collecting and analyzing data, creating a student portrait, defining key student actions, defining interaction points, analyzing emotions and needs, visualization. These stages can be applied when developing SJM in any area of education and at any stage, since they represent a system plan. The conducted semi-structured interview of students allowed us to create a portrait of a first-year student, whose main characteristics are: minimal knowledge of marketing, desire to gain new knowledge, active use of social networks, adaptation to a new social environment, desire for teamwork, adaptation to university requirements, high technological requirements. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the analysis of the literature of domestic and foreign authors studying the aspects of the competence-based approach in education; synthesis and generalization of the studied concepts of the competence-based approach. The practical significance of the study is represented by the definition of the stages of SJM development in the preparation of future managers.
ART 241192
Modern professional standards of specialists in the field of education and upbringing set certain requirements for professional work functions, actions, operations of teachers in general education organizations. Such requirements are of an innovative nature, some professional competences have not been developed in modern teachers, since professional programs for their training did not include such competences. For this reason, the system of additional professional education faces the task of developing the required competences. To solve such a problem, the work of a teacher of an institution in the additional professional education system is important, because it is aimed at compensating for the lacking professional skills of teaching staff, at constantly updating their competences. The specificity of the activity of a teacher in the additional professional education system is such an organization of training in which conditions are created for further professional development of the teacher. The aim of this article is to present a clustered system of teacher skills. The main approaches in our study were the assessment of literature on this issue and clustering of teacher skills. The result of the article is presentation of the main clusters of teacher skills in the system of the additional professional education: 1 – the analytical cluster of teacher skills includes those related to the study of modern aspects of adult education; 2 – the prognostic cluster of teacher skills includes those related to planning adult education; 3 – the projective cluster of teacher skills includes skills in building a project for the adult learning process; 4 – the reflective cluster of teacher skills includes skills in correlating the results of the learning process with its goals and objectives; 5 – the organizational cluster of teacher skills includes those of organizing adult learning; 6 – the communicative cluster of skills ‒ skills of interaction with the teaching staff. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the analysis of current research by Russian, European and American scientists on issues of studying the specifics of the teacher activities in organizing adult education. The practical significance lies in identifying the specific features of the teacher activities in the system of additional professional education, in formulating clusters of teacher skills and their characteristics.
ART 241144
Currently, everything innovative very quickly becomes traditional, and traditional ways of solving problems are adapted to modern realities. Storytelling is an ancient skill that has evolved over the centuries and it has been updated by technology. In the educational process, stories occupy a special place, which researchers pay great attention to, but not all teachers use storytelling in teaching practice, due to the fact that a good story requires a creative approach. The aim of this article is to study and analyze the literature of domestic and foreign authors who study aspects of storytelling in various fields of activity, including education, as well as to identify storytelling methods and techniques in the professional training of future managers. The study used theoretical and empirical methods such as analysis and comparison. Analysis of the literature allowed us to consider storytelling techniques in different fields, from politics to the restaurant business. And in every field, storytelling is used for the same purposes – to convey information, form listeners’ opinions about a problem, and call for action. All these goals are related to the goals of education, according to which there is a need to identify methods and techniques of storytelling in education. As a result of the study, the main methods of storytelling in education were defined, which include “Hero’s path”, “False start”, “Main event”, “Similar ideas”, “Circles on the water”, “Sparkline”, “Petals”. Each of the listed techniques is applicable in teaching practice and can be adapted to any topic being studied. The pedagogical storytelling techniques include analogy, surprise, environment, anaphora and metaphor, emotionality and vivid elements. Moreover, these techniques can be used both in textual and oral storytelling. Based on the analysis, we can talk about the advantages of using storytelling in teaching practice. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign authors studying aspects of storytelling in various fields of activity, including education. The practical significance of the study is represented by the identification of techniques and methods of pedagogical storytelling, which can be adapted and applied in both theoretical and practical professional training of future managers.
ART 241130
Modern teaching technologies require new skills from teachers, which they will be able to implement in their professional activities. The requirements of society, government and labor market change regularly. However, there are traditional teaching methods that are taking on new forms and modifications. Narration is a traditional form of teaching, which is used by lecturers, teachers, and mentors. People have always passed on their knowledge and experience through narration. Traditional lectures still remain relevant, but most often they do not contribute to the emergence of motivation for student learning. In this regard, a new form of narration is emerging - storytelling, thanks to which the process of transferring knowledge becomes more interesting and involving. Telling a story in any case involves feedback, which can be expressed in verbal and non-verbal signals, as well as in the form of reflection, and feedback, in turn, leads to the development of social interaction. The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the literature of domestic and foreign authors studying aspects of storytelling in education, as well as to determine the level of awareness of future managers about storytelling technology, and to analyze the readiness of students to use storytelling in the educational process. The study used theoretical and empirical methods such as questionnaires and observation. The main results of the study are the survey data obtained, confirming that storytelling technology is interesting to students as an educational method, as well as a method of interaction in management activities. In this regard, it was concluded that this technology needs to be introduced into the educational process of higher education institutions for preparing future managers. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign authors studying aspects of storytelling in education. The practical significance of the study is due to determining the level of awareness of future managers about storytelling technology, as well as in analyzing the readiness of students to use storytelling in the educational process.
ART 241103
Modern additional professional education sets the task of continuous education for teachers of general education organizations for the systematic updating of their professional competences and the development of teachers’ professional subjectivity. The professional subjectivity of a teacher is subjectivity that is realized in the professional field and allows the teacher to find solutions to professional contradictions, engage in professional self-development, and “remove” professional deficits in teaching and self-education. For the development of teacher’s professional subjectivity, appropriate conditions are necessary, one of which is the development and implementation of the concept for the development of teacher’s professional subjectivity in the system of additional professional education. The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the works of modern researchers who analyze the essence of subjectivity, professional subjectivity, its specifics, general characteristics, as well as presenting the basic grounds for the development of teacher’s professional subjectivity. The article resulted in the main provisions of the concept of teachers’ professional subjectivity development in the system of additional professional education. These are the following: 1- the development of any concept is determined by its relevance, social reasons, public demand; 2 – the concept of developing the professional subjectivity of a teacher in the system of additional professional education is based on the study of subjectivity phenomenon; 3 – the presented concept of the development of teachers’ professional subjectivity in the system of additional professional education is a system of theoretical-methodological and methodological-technological knowledge about the development of a teachers’ professional subjectivity, which contributes to more complete professional self-realization of the teacher. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the analysis of modern works of domestic and foreign scientists on issues of subjectivity, professional subjectivity. The practical significance of the study is in the development of the main provisions of the concept of developing the professional subjectivity of a teacher in the system of additional professional education, which can be applied in the process of upgrading teacher training.