Keyword: «культура»
ART 13258
The authors reveal the key points of the cultural theory of A. Toynbee: concept of civilization, concept of civilized growth dynamics, mechanisms of civilization (mimesis, mutation). These concepts, as a kind of “acupuncture” theory, allow to held the scientific and philosophical analysis of the realities of culture, see the occurred changes in the aspect of the Renaissance (height)/degradation (decay). These issues are particu-larly acute on the agenda of the relevant existing Russian Orthodox culture.
ART 14035
The authors reveal the key points of the cultural theory of O. Spengler: the decline of the West. The authors describe the ideas of the theory in the Russian and European cultures.
ART 14055
The article reveals the key ideas of the cultural concept of S. Freud described them in his one main philo-sophic works "and its discontents." Is an ambivalent nature of the phenomenon of culture: as a means of survival of the human race culture over time, working from the inside out through the "superego" ("culture"), has become more and more repressive toward man, leaving many opportunities for full human life. Study of the Genesis, evolution and essence of culture is intended to help people choose the right way to achieve happiness.
ART 14066
The author considers the conditions, providing the formation of preschool children's ideas of the native state.
ethnic identity, culture, patriotism, ideas of native state, customs, ceremonies, holidays
ART 54306
In article analyzes the problem of a culture of psychological health of the person in terms of innovative development. The author examines the role stone therapy in providing mental health of individuals in the educational space, justifies the process of learning the values of world traditions in the education of human culture in the formation of a safe behavior of the individual in the modern world, reveals the content stone therapy conducive to the formation of the psychological health of the individual in society.
innovation, personality, educational space, culture, psychological health, cult stones, stone therapy, alues, society.