Keyword: «cognitive activity»

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The problem of «image of the world», set in psychology by A.N. Leontiev and other scientists, is viewed in the article. The author analyzes the approaches of different authors and on their basis singles out the struc-tural components and a means of encouraging the efficient formation of the image of the world among pre-school children. Drawing is regarded as basic and important mean of expression and formation of pre-school children image of the world. The article also presents the results of the experimental work, identifying the current level of development of preschool children image of the world.
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The article presents the methodological foundations of formation of informative activity of younger schoolboys by means of information-educational environment.
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The article is devoted to the little-studied problem of formation of the individual style of the cognitive activity of students at music lessons. The authors present the results of studies on the implementation of the program of formation of the individual style of informative activity of younger students in music lessons.
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The article discusses the impact of didactic tales on the cognitive activity of younger students with mental retardation. Draws attention to the essence of the "cognitive activity", the importance of studying the Russian language in the school curriculum.
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The article presents the analysis of the development of educational-professional activity of students of pedagogical universities in the educational process of de activities. Disclosed model of cognitive develop-ment-professional AK-activity of students of pedagogical universities in the process of educational activity.