Keyword: «cognitive activity»

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Great attention is paid to development of innovative potential of young people in modern conditions of reforming of the Russian higher education. An important factor in achieving this goal is scientific-research work of students. The authors of the paper analyze the problems of assessing the effectiveness of research work in Russian universities. According to the authors, performance of research work can be covered in two aspects: cognitive and innovative. Cognitive effectiveness is reflected in stimulating students' learning activity. The results of the research show that cognitive efficiency of students research work is loosely related to professional adaptation. Innovative efficiency of research work depends on the formation of students' deep interest in science, autonomy of thought, responsibility. These qualities cannot be generated within the framework of educational process in modern higher school.
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The article considers the problem of creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of chil-dren. Considered sensitive the causes of its development in the early age. Identified and analyzed the re-quirements of the teacher of preschool education in creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of children from 1 to 3 years of life, in accordance with GEF pre-school education.
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In connection with the emergence of new priorities in education, from elementary school students need not only to be educated intellectually, but also be able to think creatively, independently analyze and solve problem situations, to act flexibly in accordance with the ever-changing world. One solution to this problem is the use of modern educational technologies. This article discusses the importance of and the need for problem-based learning technologies in the educational process, as well as provides results of the work on activation of informative activity of younger schoolboys at russian lessons.
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The paper deals with application of interactive methods of foreign language teaching as one of the most important means of improving professional training at a non-language university. The use of an interactive teaching model is provided by modeling life situations, using role-plays and game-forms of learning and collaborative problem solving. It allows students to become active participants of the educational process that leads to further development of their cognitive activity.
In the article the game as the basic activities of children, and the importance of didactic games in teaching children of primary school age. Consider the impact of educational games on the cognitive activity of pupils at lessons of mathematics. A didactic game is a type of training sessions that are organized in the form of educational games that implement a number of principles of active, game-based learning and characterized by the presence of rules, a fixed structure of gaming activities and the assessment system, one of the methods of active learning.