Keyword: «tolerance»

The author examines the educational potential of postcrossing, as well as the usage of the postcard exchange project in forming of the communicative competence. The process of intercultural communication is explained in the article with the help of participation in the project of the group of future teachers. It was noticed that the level of tolerance and the readiness for the effective communication increased as a result.
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that ethnic conflicts are becoming one of the main sources of threats to public security in the Russian Federation. The widespread ethnic conflict among the younger generation is evidence of insufficiently effective prevention work among students. The need to control and prevent this kind of negative phenomena in the school environment is becoming a special concern not only for government agencies, but also for educational organizations. The purpose of the study is to study the key components of the organization of the prevention of ethnic conflicts among school students.
The article deals with the problem of forming the readiness of teachers and specialists working in the preschool Department to work with children in an inclusive space. The author is convinced that one of the main tasks in the development of any educational organization in relation to children with special needs is to form a respectful attitude of teachers to children with disabilities. The article presents the results of research on the level of formation of pedagogical tolerance, and offers a program to improve it in working with children with disabilities.
The article deals with the problem of organizing a modern lesson. The experience of working on the core educational platform is presented.
The article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the development of tolerance among parents of healthy children to children with disabilities. The results of the study of the level of tolerance formation are presented, and a program for improving it in working with parents is proposed.