Tatyana Ivanova

City: Tolyatti
186 Publications in RSCI
13 H-index
31 PAPAI index
24 Publications in the journal


The problem of ecological culture in our time is one of the most urgent. At the end of the twentieth century, attention to the culture of the interaction between man and nature has increased significantly. The reason for this emphasis was primarily a public perception that if you do not regulate the processes of human impact on the environment, humanity faces ecological disaster that affects the whole of humanity. Violation and climate change by increasing the amount of harmful gases in the atmosphere. The appearance of abnormal natural phenomena, geographical areas of displacement and distribution of carriers of various diseases around the world. The devastation and the transformation of renewable natural resources nonrenewable. The extinction of species. This is only a superficial list of global environmental problems that already exist today and can increase their rates at a worsening ecological crisis. Consequently, environmental issues went beyond national borders and become the object of not only domestic but also international politics. There is a tendency to use environmental issues in the international arena as a means of pressure and impact of trade and political relations. The Russian Federation, despite the ekoproblemy, has significant advantages over other countries as in our country, "the unbroken economic activity area of more than 11 million sq. M. km - about 65% of the country. " However, we should not forget that in Russia there are no less important environmental issues that need to be given due attention. In addition to these global problems, it should be noted the high level of pollution of air and water, the poor state of agricultural land, the low level of protection of protected and other unique natural features. Improper storage of nuclear and other hazardous household and industrial waste, obsolete ammunition. Lack of energy and resource conservation programs, as well as the low level of product compliance with environmental standards. Based on the understanding of the significant environmental threat hanging over the world's well-being, we can observe the close cooperation between the different states.
Today, in the changed political and economic situation, the market puts the company in a radically new conditions: the stiffness of competition, rapidly changing needs of consumers, fairly high economic instability in the country. Transformation processes in a society radically change their approach to solving economic and social problems and, above all, those related to the person. Developed and implemented innovative technologies to determine the number of personnel, effective system of selection, recruitment and placement, employment, taking into account the interests of production and the worker, the mechanisms of remuneration based on its results, the promotion of workers to improve their conditions of life and recreation. This explains the attention that is paid to the concept of governance, which is located in the heart of man, considered as the highest value. According to her, all control systems should be aimed at better utilization of the capabilities of workers in the manufacturing process that is the basis for efficient operation of the enterprise. That is why the modern concept of enterprise management involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas of management activity that related to the management of human resources component of production - plant personnel. A new research area, called "Human Resource Management", "human resources management", is formed on the sociology of management styk6e with other socio - economic and social - psychological sciences. Domestic and foreign management experience shows that the greatest success achieve those organizations that give priority attention to the problem of personnel. All work on solving personnel problems the organization is reflected in the personnel management system. It is the design of sound personnel management system is now the most important reserve for increasing the efficiency and productivity of production in terms of economic instability. Background research determined that management activities acts in modern conditions as one of the most important factors in the functioning and development of the enterprises of Russia. Implemented in our country economic reforms significantly changed the status of the company.
Automation - Integration of tools in a fully automatic and, in some cases, self-regulating system. The advanced countries have begun to automate the industry in the early 1950s. Originating as the concept of production, automation today means a lot more than the coordination of the range of machines. Currently, it is carried out at all levels of business and production. [1] There is hardly any activity - social or economic, are not affected in varying degrees, the implementation is automatically controlled devices or systems. The list includes the areas of automation, such as starting and automatic piloting aircraft, production of cars, traffic control and routing, medical diagnostics, and automatic updating of bank balance in accordance with the instructions coming from the computer, which can be located at a distance of many kilometers. Currently, research on the effects of automation of production on the social and labor aspects of society in general, are not regular, whereas the change in the type of production, and as a result, and engaged in the process of human resources, directly determines the future shape all spheres of society. Proceeding from the above, the relevance of the theme is determined that the current system of automation to increase the pace of implementation in the production process, while the case studies of this subject have lost their regularity, so that the relevance of the data is lost and there is no possibility of tracking the dynamics of the development of automation. The results of such studies allow to make assumptions about future changes in the state of the labor market, as well as early detection and address possible crises in the social and labor relations people.
Modernization is usually regarded as an important part of a larger process of "modernizing" of society, which includes a deep economic, social, cultural, spiritual, ideological, organizational, technological, demographic and other changes, which together provide a transformation in the society of the modern type. Modernization paradigm was formed in the mid-twentieth century, the disintegration of the European colonial empires and the emergence of a large number of "young nations" in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Vozniknuvshey initially in the bosom of the University of Science USA, modernization theory were created as an alternative to the communist orientation. Modernization theory developed in the framework of a special "progressivist" style of thinking, methodology which is based on the assumption that history is moving toward the heights of progress by overcoming the manifold social structure to a single rational dispensation future. At the same time every single human community is on the way, common to all, the direction and guidelines which determine the most developed countries. A characteristic feature of Russian historical modernization began periodic breakdowns, powerful setbacks, leading to the barbaric destruction of resources and void achievements. Despite this, Russian society remains fully integrated the social and psychological boost, which can be called the will to modernize. The problem of modernization of the existing model of the functioning of the Russian society really is very serious. For 20 years the country cannot get out of "rescue" a national model that emerged as a result of ill-considered, natural actions associated with the low efficiency of management. This is despite the fact that all is proven, that the elimination of the consequences of accidents in the tens and hundreds of times more expensive than their prevention. During these 20 years, lost much advanced thinking skills - the leaders of different levels of government cannot see what will happen tomorrow.
Information and communication technologies are one of the most important factors in shaping the XXI century. Their revolutionary impact affects the way people's lives, education and work, as well as the interaction between government and civil society. The origin of the information society due to objective causes of global scientific-technical and scientific-technological properties and hence have arisen as a result of profound changes in the creative activity of people functional crisis in the evolution of mankind. The transition to the information society of fundamental and applied knowledge assumes a different principle in the development of sciences, a new system of education. The theory of social identity helps to understand the genesis and function of different types of reasons for the collapse of society. It helps to understand what motives, common in the mass of people support this social system, and what it destroys. Studying the reaction of a particular social group, we are dealing with the structure of the individual members of the group, that is, individuals; but at the same time we are interested in the general personality traits that characterize the majority of the members of the group. This set of traits common to most, is called social. The social nature can be regarded as a mediator between the socio-economic system and the ideals of society, contributing to the stabilization and the normal functioning of the social system Adapting to social conditions man develops the traits of character which impel him want to act just as it has to operate, this is the main function of a social nature in the public process. It is therefore necessary to study different personality typologies of social character inherent in a modern society, it is necessary to understand what the consequences is the development of certain features of the social nature of the person in modern conditions.