Keyword: «мотивация»

The purpose of this article is to diagnose the possibilities of the educational process at the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation of the Engineering and Technical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov to test pedagogical conditions that contribute and are aimed at the effectiveness of the formation of sustainable motivation in the process of teaching special disciplines of future engineers. The article highlights and presents the following possibilities: trainees – orientation to in-depth study of special disciplines, a clear presentation of the tasks of their future professional activities; educational – educating the general personal qualities of students and constantly raising their level: cognitive activity, interest, determination, confidence in one's abilities; education of creative attitude towards the future profession; developing – creating favorable conditions for the development of personal characteristics of students: memory, critical thinking, logic, analytical abilities. In addition, during the establishing stage of experimental work, an assessment of the level of formation of motivation of students-bachelors of a technical university was carried out. The diagnostic tool for preliminary assessment of the levels of motivation formation of future engineers was various adapted methods for establishing the motives for teaching students at the university, their professional position, the expression of cognitive interests, group motivation, and the hierarchy of needs. The main empirical methods were questionnaires, interviews, surveys, conversations, questions about the motives of study, attitudes to the future profession, as well as long-term pedagogical observation of students during academic activities. As a result of the recording stage, it was determined that most students of control and experimental groups have a low level of motivation formation, which confirms the relevance of the problem of forming the motivation of bachelors and the need to solve it by testing pedagogical conditions.
The article addresses the issue of the influence of game forms of education on the motivation to learn during distance learning. The analysis is carried out of quizzes for students and schoolchildren on probability theory. There are presented reviews of participants and their impressions. Recommendations are given when using the platform in the educational process.
Thepaper is devoted to the problemss of socio-psychological attitudes in the personalalmotivation and need sphere of university students. The authors identify and revealthe degree of attitudes of "process-result" and "altruism-egoism" using independent empirical research. The authors compare the socio-psychological attitudes of the first-and second-year boys and girls.
The article deals with the formation of a motivation system in the process of socio-economic development of an organization, gives the concept of motivation, considers motivation models, shows the relationship between the life cycle of an organization and the features of the motivational environment in this organization.
The article summarizes the author’s experience of using extra-curricular activities when teaching English to second-year Education majors (Primary education and the English language). Principles of extra-curricular activities are highlighted, ways of developing creative abilities are described, examples of the extra-curricular activities conducted during the second year of studies with the Education majors are given and their education value is analyzed.