Keyword: «educational technology»
ART 76019
The article deals with the modern educational technology training individualization of the future teacher of pre-school education, describes the conditions of their use in the educational process with students, reveals the osobennsti introduction this modular technology training.
ART 470043
The purpose of this article – to identify opportunities one of the technology of education in the form of so-ciological essay. Determined advantages of this technology and wide range of its application in terms of the educational process.The conclusion is: it isneed to greater involved sociology to study the medical field.
ART 171023
The article is devoted to the training of specialists able to take part in technological modernization of industry and innovative development of the economy. The author discusses the reasons for the change of requirements to the preparedness level of higher school teachers due to transition to a competence model of training and the emergence of the teacher’s professional standard of; reveals the essence and structure of teacher’s educational activity, the main aspects of teacher’s activities evaluation criteria; describes educational technologies that promote the development of creative abilities and research skills of students; proves the necessity of continuous improvement of teachers’ educational activities at technical universities in connection with the development of scientific and technological progress, constant updating of production technologies, introduction of professional standards, higher demands on professional competence of graduates by employers. The implementation of the competence approach to specialists training is shown, taking into account the situation in the railway industry, on the example of «Safety of technological processes and technical means of railway transport» discipline teaching at Ural State University of Railway Transport.
ART 170222
Modernization as a process of change in the education model is related to the challenges and requirements of the present in innovative components. The experience of reforming higher education systems in Finland, Sweden and Norway is studied. The results of the analysis made it possible to identify significant features of the training programs. They are related to global changes on the labor market, migration flows and the aging of the population of European countries. Economy, technology, society are changing education models. The problem of education was the contradiction between the shift to practical value and the relevance of education, on the one hand, and the need to allocate considerable resources to new trends by national governments, on the other hand. A distinctive feature is the presence of foreign models for the students from 25 years to 64 years. It was made the conclusion about the significant role of government and business in educational and innovation politics of the Nordic countries. The governments of the Scandinavian countries, developing the institutional environment and basic infrastructure, benefit from the globalization of education, giving citizens the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills, to have a healthy environment that they need to get a job and a high income. Having received education, citizens participate in local, national and global communities. The article has important theoretical value. The possibilities of using these teaching methods for postgraduate education are justified. It is recommended to expand the capabilities of modern remote e-learning technologies, including the disciplines of the natural-science cycle.
The paper focuses upon the analyses of flipped classroom model potential; determines advantages and disadvantages of the methodology; reveals the peculiarities of flipped learning in the non-linguistic higher educational establishments.