Veronika Pavlenko

City: Stavropol
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11 Publications in the journal


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This article deals with the study of the characteristic features of the mental verbs within the frame method in the English language. The author of the article makes an attempt to investigate the semantic features of mental verbs of the English language. The basis of the functional-semantic field of mental activity verbs is the frame "Mental", which means the various aspects of the actualization of the general concept in the mental activity process. The aim of the research is to identify obligatory and non-obligatory components in the structure of the frame "Mental". On the basis of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the frame method is universal, as it allows us to identify conceptual and lexical-semantic information.
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The article deals with the study of functioning and the characteristic role of metaphors in the W. S. Maugham's novel «The Painted Veil». The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of metaphors in the novel of the British writer William Somerset Maugham «The Painted Veil». The article defines the concept of "metaphor" and its main types. It is argued that the metaphor is used in the literary texts to give the statement an emotional and expressive tone. The article discusses metaphors of a literary text and the features of metaphors use in a literary text.
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The article is devoted to the study of cognitive-frame features of epistemic adverbs in English. The most frequent adverbs of the English epistemic modality are considered. The aim of the work is to describe the cognitive meanings of epistemic adverbs and identify their textual implementation in the form of frames. The authors argue that the epistemic adverbs have a cognitive-frame structure in the English language, in terms of content reflecting mental processes based on experience and knowledge.
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This article deals with the description of the concept «Training» in English linguistic culture. It is important in modern linguistics to study the value concepts of spiritual culture presented in the form of concepts through the prism of language data. The aim of the article is to identify cultural features of the phenomenon due to the concept «Training» in the English language. The purpose of this article is to study universal characteristics and national and cultural peculiarities of English concept «Training». The meaningful characteristics of the concept «Training» in the British world picture are given and the means of the concept verbalizations in modern English language are determined; the diachronic changes in the content of the concept «Training» in the English language are analyzed in this work.
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The article deals with the actual issue of the active introduction of Anglicisms into the system of the modern Russian language. This process is now gaining incredible proportions, which provokes serious fears among Russian linguists. According to some of them, such a pace of any language change due to the influence of a foreign language may threaten its distinctive development and, ultimately, cause significant damage to the national culture as a whole. The author describes the meaning of foreign borrowing in general and Anglicisms in particular as a factor in the development of the Russian language lexical system. The paper discusses modern approaches to the definition of “Anglicism”, the classification of English borrowings and some ways of adapting foreign words, analyzes the causes and consequences of the active introduction of Anglicisms into the Russian language at the present stage, makes an evaluation of the influence of borrowing British lexemes on the development of Russian.