№ 1 (Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk)
ART 470001
One of the elements that make up the human resources policy of the organization, it is the adaptation of the staff. In order to identify the problems that accompany the adaptation process was carried out questioning. Priorities for the study of the organization are professional, organizational and administrative adaptation. The most difficult in the process of adaptation of employees consider the development of rules for the or-ganization of work and professional responsibilities. The necessity of the development of adaptation pro-grams, which will allow to regulate the stages, dates, events, methods of adaptation in the organization. The structure of the adaptation program.
ART 470002
The article deals with issues related to labor adaptation of employees in the organization. Usually compa-nies do not attach much importance to this issue, which of course is a mistake. The correct adaptation of the workers may be financially advantageous for the company. In a short time you can dostichb maximum efficiency from the person with a successful adaptation of the organization. This article is important to un-derstand the factors that can increase the motivation of new employees in the company.
ART 470003
The Successful implementation of management activities requires skills and ability to build relationships with the staff, to be able to convince and to have a motivating effect, this requires thorough preparation: identify the purpose of the dialogue, to examine the psychological characteristics of the opponent, his intellectual, moral and volitional character, to consider the tactics of behavior, and other major and minor factors. This article addresses one of the ways of implementation of management actions – assessment of staff loyalty, which serves as a measurement tool of any facility relevant to a particular organization in a given time.
ART 470004
In modern conditions of knowledge economy, the significant role of the features represented, there is an improvement of the system of personnel development that personifiziert contribution and personal qualities. Qualitative change of the role of the person associated with the person's awareness as the main driving si-ly to the business process resulting in significant attention to staff development, increasing the intellectual capital of the organization and implementation of labor potential. Thus, staff is a key strategic component in improving its efficiency through the transformation of knowledge in the most important strategic resource.
ART 470005
The factors that determine the transformation of retail trade development, among which the most celebrated economic situation and changing behaviour of consumers. The most popular modern retail formats and gives their brief description, are shown examples of the development of unique formats.
ART 470006
The article considers the main approaches to understanding the turnover of the enterprise. Author's classifi-cation definitions of "turnover" of different authors in three ways: as a factor, as a process, as an indicator. The conclusions about the appropriateness of the classification presented in practical experience.
ART 470007
The article is devoted to identifying the key issues in the economic development of the region. Presented in the article allows information to assess changes in the economy and social sphere of the Russian Federa-tion, such as the subject of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.In article it is said that now the enterprises will be able to carry out not only a production activity, but also to focus attention on the sphere of service and tourism, being directly involved in development of economy of the monoprofile cities
ART 470008
The article analyzes the reasons for improvement, identified inconsistencies effects of organizational struc-ture requirements of the production process in the organization, as well as reflect the factors that must be considered when improving the organizational structure. The article reflects the defective items, prompting the organization to make the process of optimization of the organizational structure.
ART 470009
This article deals with the problem of loss of working time among management staff. Methods of studying the working time. The data of studies that confirm the relevance of the problem. lean manufacturing tools have also been proposed to solve the problem presented. The conclusions about the need to address the problem of irrational use of working time.
ART 470010
This paper describes the experience of the functioning of sitematizatsii cryptocurrency and their impact on the development and implementation of development strategies of regional economic systems in accord-ance with modern trends in monetary policy. Also, mechanisms of influence are determined cryptocurrency on the monetary policy of central banks.