Natalya Loskytnikova

City: Perm
0 Publications in RSCI
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20 PAPAI index
15 Publications in the journal


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Modern society is capable of living in a rapidly changing world that determines the development of the digital economy. Students entering the big life find themselves in an unpredictable and changeable environment. The new trajectory of development creates favorable conditions for innovative specialists who possess psychological and pedagogical knowledge, which can support young persons, help them find themselves in the "digital environment", become independent and confident. This is a person who is interested not only in his/her subject, but also having a wide Outlook. In a word, this is a tutor with an individual zest! And only this kind of person can organize young people to find and select the necessary knowledge from a huge array of information. Further improvement of tutoring technology is especially important today, in the era of digital transformation, and this once again underlines the relevance of scientific research in this area. Thus, the purpose of the article is to study the impact of digitalization on the trajectory of pedagogical innovations. The digital format of the all-Russian population census in 2020 allows for a comprehensive study of the problems of pedagogical innovation and tutoring with experimental elements, creatively prepare young people for the upcoming event and help them with further self-determination. The main methodological basis of the research is the study of innovative approaches, as the most effective in solving the tasks and based on reflective activity-oriented methods. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and the reflection of the authors ' own experience, original results are obtained when digital technologies are combined with innovative pedagogy. Adaptation of young people is carried out by various means, in various forms, depending on the style and experience of the tutor. The economic and statistical project "DIGITAL 20\20" (assistance in creating the digital future in the framework of the 2020 census) is an instrument with elements of the experiment. According to the results of the studies, the tutoring method in project activities has proven to be positive. Tutoring made it possible to quickly disseminate knowledge and skills among young specialists. The practical focus of this work emphasizes its importance for the training of young professionals in the conditions of digital economy.
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The implementation of national projects will bring the economy to a new qualitative level. The implementation of the May Decrees of the President of Russia will give an impetus to the development of the agricultural sector. The country has objectively matured the need for a new system of government support for agricultural companies. This scientific article is aimed at analyzing such complex processes and developing well-timed recommendations for the effective management of innovative agricultural projects. The work summarized the historical experience of the development of government support systems and focused on some of the shortcomings in their practical application. The authors show the commercial benefits from the implementation of the new system in the context of the national agricultural project “Export of Agricultural Goods”.
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The digital transformation of the economy implies the emergence of a new person, a highly qualified specialist, educated, friendly, with good health, physically and morally prepared for the profession. In this regard, the qualitative indicators of motor culture are of particular relevance. Human characteristics are difficult to measure, but different methods of qualimetric scaling make it possible to order relations on the measured set of properties and measures, transforming qualitative indicators into numerical variables. The essence of motor culture qualimetry is registration of the specific quality levels recorded in the standards and norms defined by the international standards ISO 9000:2000, comparing the achieved parameters with the standard of physical harmony. Thus, the choice and justification of quality indicators are the main ways of approach to the management of motor culture quality. A person needs the motor culture for a better quality of life and it is considered as an independent phenomenon within the professional culture and human culture as a whole. It interacts with physical and aesthetic culture. The knowledge of beauty qualitative parameters helps to estimate what a human being is endowed with, to recognize his features – from a constitution to psychophysiological characteristics – and to predict further stages of improvement on the way to achievement of vital standards (ideals).
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Today, the country is in a process of digital transformation, a very powerful, dynamically evolving transformation, and if you do not get your bearings in time and do not understand what you need to do, you can fall behind in economic development forever. Many professions are changing under the influence of ICT, becoming more technological. The impending wave of innovations, according to unpublished research, puts up to half of the workplaces at risk. Nevertheless, the profession of economist will be in demand in the digital future. They always need a specialist who sets priorities and goals correctly for maximum profit. Understanding the essence of the future profession by students-economists – a specialist in the economic efficiency of the digital age - will allow them to adapt to the changing world and be satisfied with the profession. Currently, the concept of "digital economy" is widely used to define the total penetration of ICT, where knowledge, information play a key role, and the development of innovative projects becomes a source of socio-economic growth. The creative personality of the economist is the resource for which competitors will fight.
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The features of socio-economic conditions in the region are reflected in migration processes. The study of this problem is relevant in connection with the general increase of migration role both in the country and in the region. The attractiveness of the region is determined by various factors, these are the living conditions and the opportunity to work. The analysis of migration processes shows that the search for the most favorable economic conditions remains the basis of migration. Thus, migration should be considered as a type of economic and social mobility of the population. Another equally important point is the influence on the cultural and educational level of the population, both in the outflow areas and in the territories of the influx of migrants. Creative people allow developing a region. Competitive battles of regions will take place in the future for this resource.