Keyword: «functional literacy»

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The article presents the interim results of experimental work in the school-lyceum for the formation of functional literacy competence of students, which focuses on the modernization of the primary and secondary education. Authors are encouraged to use creative lesson structure proposed in teaching system NFTM TRIZ by M. M. Zinovkina
The article provides an overview of the contents of the Russian language textbook for 8th grade of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the concept of the updated content of education. Communication-oriented and text-oriented textbook assignments are described aimed at forming functional literacy of students.
Informatization of modern society makes it necessary to define the problems of education in a new way. Even before school, children quickly learn all sorts of gadgets. The formation of functional literacy will allow primary school children to use their initial information knowledge and skills. Systematic and interdisciplinary nature of educational tasks will contribute to the individualization of metasubject competencies acquired by the child.
the article reveals the necessary skills that a modern teacher should have to prepare students for life in a convergent society. Special attention is paid to the skills that are presented to teaching staff in a professional standard, and the implementation of these skills is demonstrated using the example of the digital educational environment "Mobile e-learning".
The formation of functional literacy is one of the most important directions in modern pedagogy. Mathematical literacy is the second most important component of functional literacy, along with reading literacy. It assumes the ability to use mathematics to solve real-life problems, as well as to understand the "language" of mathematics. The educational content of the IEO creates conditions for the formation and evaluation of mathematical literacy.