Keyword: «children with disabilities»

in the modern world of new knowledge, technologies, discoveries and achievements, the main condition remains the requirements that are imposed on all participants in the educational process, both from the student and from the teacher who carries out professional activities that include not only a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of professional training, but also the readiness to implement the educational function with the help of new digital educational technologies.
The article attempts to integrate correctional and developmental work into all educational areas through a digital educational environment.
The article discusses the options for compensating the defect in children with disabilities and ways to develop compensatory mechanisms in the context of correctional and educational activities, the features of correctional and pedagogical work with children with developmental disabilities, the basic principles of correctional education of children with disabilities, the peculiarity of using an individually differentiated approach to children with developmental disabilities in the process of their education and upbringing.
The article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the development of tolerance among parents of healthy children to children with disabilities. The results of the study of the level of tolerance formation are presented, and a program for improving it in working with parents is proposed.
The article highlights the main features of the organization of inclusive education for different categories of students (highly motivated, gifted children, children with disabilities). Particular attention is paid to describing the organization of the educational process using modern digital educational systems and criteria-based assessment methods when working with children with special educational needs.